Should smoke be expected during out-of-water test of Johnson 15hp outboard?


Jun 26, 2013
I would expect many folks, such as novices like me, would not expect white smoke to come from the prop area of an outboard during out-of-water testing with water and "muffs". After replacing the impeller and other water pump parts, as well as parts in the lower gearcase of my 1976 Johnson 15hp outboard, I hooked up the hose and "muffs" and did a few starts and stops. I was confident in the job I'd done, but when I saw white smoke come from the prop area I promptly stopped, fearing damaging the engine. Please help me to understand whether or not I should reasonably expect such smoking to occur, or if, perhaps I should not be so confident in the job I had done. Many thanks for any helpful responses.


May 16, 2011
Re: Should smoke be expected during out-of-water test of Johnson 15hp outboard?

yes smoke should be expected....but should be more blueish than white. no smoke would be more of a concern to me. jmo
run it in a barrel with the water pump below the level of the water, just to confirm that the water pump is truely working as it should.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Should smoke be expected during out-of-water test of Johnson 15hp outboard?

What nwcove just said...You cannot test a water pump by running on muffs. The water hose would force water through the system even if you left the pump out.

As for smoke, absolutely. It is SUPPOSED to smoke. Hey, you put oil in the gas. Every drop of that oil goes through the combustion chambers. Hopefully, most of it burns in there and makes smoke. However, some goes right on through and out the exhaust. So your next question might be concerning the oil dripping out the exhaust. It Is SUPPOSED to. If every morsel of it were burned in the cylinders, there would be no lubrication.


Jun 26, 2013
Re: Should smoke be expected during out-of-water test of Johnson 15hp outboard?

newcove and F_R...can't thank you gents enough. Just the responses I was hoping for...certainly encourages an
inexperienced fellow! I'm anxious now to get it into the water...can you believe I live close enough to have it launched
in about five minutes?! Again, thanks...hugh