Should I convert to closed cooling


Jul 7, 2010
I'd like a few opinions on whether I should spend the $1,000 or so to convert my boat to a full closed cooling system.

I'm currently having the engine (2003 Mercruiser MX MPI V-drive) completely re-manufactured (not just rebuilt) and replacing some other odd and in parts (fuel hoses, exhaust manifolds/elbows, exhaust hoses, water hoses, etc)....i'm spending about $5,000 to have all of this done.

I plan on using the boat in almost nothing but saltwater (but not storing it in saltwater as I will pull it out after every use). Also, I only plan to have the boat about 2-3 more years.

With all this being said what's everyone's opinion....should I go ahead and spend the extra $1,000 (which i'd much rather not) on the closed cooling system or just make sure I flush engine out after every use. Also, I do currently have the neutra-salt system if that's any added value to this conversation.

So the bottom line is, I know the closed cooling system is going to be better for my engine but is it worth it that much to spend a lot more money for it when i'll only have the boat a few more years max?


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

Yes . . . an easier time when you go to sell, if it has a full closed cooling system.

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

Also, I do currently have the neutra-salt system if that's any added value to this conversation.
Between having an neutra-salt system and a full closed cooling system, not much left to go bad on you.:)


Oct 25, 2010
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

I wish when I bought my boat there was a $1,000 closed cooling option. Go for it. You won't regret it but if you don't you will be sitting there going "do I need to replace the manifolds yet" after a few years.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

I'd like a few opinions on whether I should spend the $1,000 or so to convert my boat to a full closed cooling system.

I'm currently having the engine (2003 Mercruiser MX MPI V-drive) completely re-manufactured (not just rebuilt) and replacing some other odd and in parts (fuel hoses, exhaust manifolds/elbows, exhaust hoses, water hoses, etc)....i'm spending about $5,000 to have all of this done.

I plan on using the boat in almost nothing but saltwater (but not storing it in saltwater as I will pull it out after every use). Also, I only plan to have the boat about 2-3 more years.

With all this being said what's everyone's opinion....should I go ahead and spend the extra $1,000 (which i'd much rather not) on the closed cooling system or just make sure I flush engine out after every use. Also, I do currently have the neutra-salt system if that's any added value to this conversation.

So the bottom line is, I know the closed cooling system is going to be better for my engine but is it worth it that much to spend a lot more money for it when i'll only have the boat a few more years max?


In general YES. it's MUCH better to be closed cooled.

You'll have another issue you should deal with though. I believe you might need to change your ECM since the engine will be running at a different (normal) temp and the MPI system needs to be 'aware' of the new (higher) operating system temp to run correctly.

Here's where I got mine Fresh Water Kits

They specify that some of their kits WILL NOT work with certain ECM models.

You'll need to investigate that (or change your ECM)

You might also want to contact San Juan Engineering in Bellingham, Wa. They do have a tech-support line. They can tell you exactly what you need to make it work correctly.




Jul 7, 2010
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling


In general YES. it's MUCH better to be closed cooled.

You'll have another issue you should deal with though. I believe you might need to change your ECM since the engine will be running at a different (normal) temp and the MPI system needs to be 'aware' of the new (higher) operating system temp to run correctly.

Here's where I got mine Fresh Water Kits

They specify that some of their kits WILL NOT work with certain ECM models.

You'll need to investigate that (or change your ECM)

You might also want to contact San Juan Engineering in Bellingham, Wa. They do have a tech-support line. They can tell you exactly what you need to make it work correctly.



Thanks everyone for the valuable input! I'm having difficulty finding a kit that's made for a v-drive however. I guess the limiting factor for a v-drive is the exhaust exits toward the opposite end of the engine making it difficult to mount the heat exchanger near the exisiting thermostat housing. Anyone know of kits made especially for v-drives?

Also, Rick this is the first I've heard about having to change the ECM. Your theory makes good sense but will I really be running that much hotter? If I have to spend a good bit more money on an ECM to do this also then that would be a deal breaker for me converting to closed cooling I think.

Thanks again!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 8, 2005
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

Anyone know of kits made especially for v-drives?

Also, Rick this is the first I've heard about having to change the ECM. Your theory makes good sense but will I really be running that much hotter? If I have to spend a good bit more money on an ECM to do this also then that would be a deal breaker for me converting to closed cooling I think.

Thanks again!

You might check with San Juan. Their tech support might have some info on this. I know people have discussed this here before. I seem to remember Don S telling someone that an MPI engine set up for raw water cooling wouldn't run right if closed cooled (and running hotter as a result)

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

Posting your engine serial number may help with the ECM question.


Jul 7, 2010
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

My engine is an MPI engine. The serial number is M317417.

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Should I convert to closed cooling

My engine is an MPI engine. The serial number is M317417.
You can find your parts catalog in here and some service bulletins. Search Results - Crowley Marine

Checking the parts catalog for your engine model, there is only one designed ECM to cover your engine model. So you shouldn't have to worry about that. Your ECM,

But in talking with them, you will want to be sure to mention to them that you have a Ski engine model. (MIE 6.2L MPI SKI 71C 1.46 DRAIN 6.2L MPI SKI) - (6.2L H.P. Serial No: 0M317417 Model No: 30620099S Catalog No: 90-889342 Because it seems Mercruiser did not mention any closed cooling systems in their parts catalog for your engine model like they do in other MIE engine models.

Your engine model,

Not your engine model but one close to it, see third item down for example,