Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?


Aug 26, 2006
2007 Merc 40 hp 4 stroke. I had a Merc shop do it 2 or 3 years ago for $100. I forgot which o/b I attempted myself. We also own a 1998 Merc 25 2 stroke. I remember trying to replace the impeller on one of them myself, I think it was the 25 two stroke but since I had to work on the boat while it was parked on the street In front of my house, it was cold out. I took the 4 lower unit bolts off and it dropped down few inches being held by the shift linkage rod. From what I read in my repair manual was that I needed to unclip it in the center of the motor. I think I had to remove another part like the starter motor to get at the clip but the sun was very bright that day and shining into my eyes and I could not see my way to get at that clip. I gave up and brought it to the Merc guy as I did not want to damage anything.

So waddya think? Should I attempt it again on my 40 Merc. This time its in my garage, so I won't be cold or have it get dark out on me. But I don't want to fight with another clip again!

When ever I read of owners changing their impellers themselves on their o/b's on threads here it always seems so easy. I know its just getting it done the first time and then its easy.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

You only have to do the whole job once to become a pro. :) Then it's easy. And $100 three years ago is prob $125-$150 now. That's a lot of gas. I say pull her in the garage and take your time. And we're here looking over your shoulder - What can possibly go wrong. :D


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 20, 2012
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

You only have to do the whole job once to become a pro. :) Then it's easy. And $100 three years ago is prob $125-$150 now. That's a lot of gas. I say pull her in the garage and take your time. And we're here looking over your shoulder - What can possibly go wrong. :D

I agree. Besides don't you want to know how it all works? At least that way if you have a major job you don't want to attempt yourself you'll have a basic understanding of what the mechanic is talking about.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2012
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

I have heard people say it's difficult which I have never understood. I'm rather new to boating but worked on cars for years so I mechanically inclined. I've dropped a couple of different model LU's, changed impeller's and resfreshed the fluid. The "only" problem I ever encountered was when I was dropping the LU on a merc 40 force. It was my first time and on those models there is a coupling nut on the shift shaft that you have to undo to disconnect the upper half from the lower. I should be easy but this one was siezed and I twisted a "little" too hard and broke the upper shifting lever that sat just below and in front of the power head. This screw up required that I pull the powerhead to get it out and replace it. Also the part was NLA and had to find a used one for around $70. Bottom line is to follow the old rule. If it wont move, don't force it. Figure out what the problem is first and save yourself time and money.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 20, 2012
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

Bottom line is to follow the old rule. If it wont move, don't force it. Figure out what the problem is first and save yourself time and money.

Sage advice!


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

Thanks for those replies. I'll order the impeller and give it a shot. Hopefully, the 40 hp has more room to reach the linkage clip than the 25 hp has.


Vice Admiral
Apr 10, 2007
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

A FACTORY Service Manual will be one of THE best investments you can make.

The Factory manual breaks every section down in detail, aftermarket manuals skip a LOT of detail.

The linkage is a bit different than the 25, but is still easy, IF you read the book, it spells it out.

PM me with a good email addy and I can send you what I have.


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

Thx I'll do that. The Seloc manual is pretty sparse.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 24, 2012
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

A good plan is to think it through first.....follow your manual ultra organized .....there's help on this forum if needed !


Aug 26, 2006
Re: Should I attempt changing my impeller myself again?

Thanks for that feed back. This time around its in my garage not parked on a bust street. I can turn a garage heater on, light up a flood light and take my time!