Short circuit ? VP 3.0 GSP-A


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 12, 2015
I have a 2001 Volvo Penta 3.0 GSP-A . While trying to see if I had spark (I did) I happened to notice that there was continuity between positive and the engine block. I also had continuity with neg to the block. Then a few minutes later i didn’t have continuity with positive. Then I did. Etc etc. I’ll borrow someone else’s voltmeter tomorrow to make sure it wasn’t mine acting weird, but right now I’m assuming I have a sporadic short ? If so…how would I even go about trying to find it?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
I have a 2001 Volvo Penta 3.0 GSP-A . While trying to see if I had spark (I did) I happened to notice that there was continuity between positive and the engine block. I also had continuity with neg to the block. Then a few minutes later i didn’t have continuity with positive. Then I did. Etc etc. I’ll borrow someone else’s voltmeter tomorrow to make sure it wasn’t mine acting weird, but right now I’m assuming I have a sporadic short ? If so…how would I even go about trying to find it?
Should not be continuity between the battery positive and the block.

Pull battery cable off and try again. If it goes away you have a ground leak.

Electric motors are notorious for ground leaks. The bilge pump is the prime suspect


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 12, 2015
I should pull off just the neg battery cable and then check correct? If it’s a ground leak and the bildge pump is the culprit what is the solution? New bildge pump?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 12, 2015
Here is a post on a 'how to that i was able to put up: link.
Post how it goes and we'll keep going from there...
ESG, I did the trouble shooting as specified in post #4 of that link you shared, and it seems like I do have a ground leak. With + terminal disconnected I had 12v when measuring between the disconnected + cable and its respective battery terminal. I then checked resistance and it seems like it’s about 1k ohm, which according to that post seems to indicate I’m on the cusp of “a low-drain piece of equipment left on or a minor ground leak (10-1k ohms)” or “a serious ground leak (1k-10k Ohms)”

I disconnected bildge pump as suggested by dingbat, but that didn’t seem to solve it.

Wondering how I chase it from here?

I’m also unclear if this has anything to do with my no-start issue, but seems like a rabbit hole worth chasing I assume?
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Chief Petty Officer
Aug 29, 2015
The current draw you are seeing is not significant. The current draw using Ohm’s law of I = V/R (Current = Volts / Resistance) get Current = 12V/1000Ohms = 0.012Amps. The basis for how long the battery will last is Battery Capacity (AmpHrs) / Current Draw (Amps). Assuming your battery is typical 65Ahr get 65Ahr / 0.012A = 5,400 hrs or a long time.

Perhaps the thresholds need to be reevaluated 😊

So, I think you are good on that front. And what no-start issue? Where you constantly experiencing a dead battery or?