Excellent reels. 1 step below a Curado which are awesome. They have less bearings which brings the price down but they do have an alminum frame. You can buy the Curado bearings from Shimano's parts dept and make it a Curado though. <br /><br />THere's one on Ebay right now for $60. Better hurry though!<br /><br /> http://cgi.ebay.com/Shimano-Citica-...220612374QQcategoryZ36146QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem <br /><br /><br />spots
Thanks CN Spots. Can anyone recommend a good rod to go with. Seems like Bass Pro has a decent sale coming up. Has anyone seen any rods or reels in the flier that look like a good deal.
I just my combo in the mail yesterday,it has the cica reel and an 7'extreame rod i thought it was a good deal.i felt the reel seems a little tighter than the curados.we'll see when i put some line on it.
The new citica is taking the place of the curado with the same price point. Its supposed to be a great reel for the money although its a bit on the HEAVY side at close to 10ozs