Re: Shifting Problem with Yamaha Inboard
Oh and Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm spending mine with family. Lets see, Got the wife who is pretty much normal, her dad is coming and he's a big 'ol drunk and my wife has hidden the booze in her office 'cause he's a mean drunk. Then there's her mom who is in a wheelchair and barely cognizant but we get her from the home and bring her because she's family. Then there's the wifes sister whom I love to look at and is the nicest person I know but she gets a few in her and starts grabbing my ***. She's bringing her two teenagers who will monopolize the foosball and air hockey tables but my boy, Tommy is getting pretty good and can actually beat them sometimes. My daughter always wants to play football but we all are leery because she tackles like Romo so we started double teaming her. Then there is the little boy who joined our family last year when we took guardianship because his mother (my niece) is a recovering meth head who is completely irresponsible and has basically abandoned him so I have set up a therapy fund for him which he will no doubt be needing. He is an amazingly happy kid though. Then there's my mom who is schizophrenic (yea yea let the crazy son jokes begin) controlled by medication but it makes her slow so she just kinda stares at everyone. Then there's my older sister who is actually homeless. She's a professional waitress, 50 years old, no hubby, no retirement, no savings, yet she flies all over the country visiting her grandsons and her boyfriends and waitresses when she runs low on money. She's beat cancer and is an amazing lady. I have another younger sister who is in England where we all prefer she stay because we think she's like my mom. So I will go outside and start putting up the christmas lights and will drag that out as long as I can so I don't have to hang out inside and pretend to talk to a drunk father in law, incognizant mother in law, and a crazy mom while getting my *** grabbed by a half drunk horny sister in law and getting beat up by an 8 year old female future NFL linebacker. But there is a bright spot in all of this, I have a vicodin 'scrip for my knee which I shall utilize today and will enjoy my family, warts and all, through a fine haze which is how I spent the '70's anyway. So there you have it. An all american family.<br />Hope I dont fall off the roof.<br /><br />Happy Thanksgiving everyone and be thankful you don't have my family.