Shift Actuator for Volvo Penta Outdrive DPH-A 1.96


May 13, 2011
After experiencing engine stall during shifting a few years back we found that our shift cable was so badly corroded inside that it was causing a strain on the actuator and in turn sending a signal to shut the system down. We replaced the cable and have had worry free boating until a few months ago. Upon inspection the cable was again bad and replaced with OEM parts as before. This weekend the problem happened again with the actuator staying in drive. So I disconnected the cable and manually checked the cable and it was smooth. Started the engine, actuator went back to neutral, reattached the cable and had no issues the rest of the day. I am starting to get the impression that the actuator may be getting weak. I have 3 questions: 1. What is the longevity of the shift actuator, ours is going on 10 years old. 2. Can the actuator be rebuilt. 3. If I replaced the actuator with a new one, is it plug an play per say or does it need to be calibrated to the existing system?