Shark Fishing

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
:) Has anybody been fly fishing for sharks off of San Diego California?????<br /><br />Planning on heading out there in Feb. and that seems to be the game that time of year according to one charter capt.!!!!<br /><br />Any info for that particular area will be greatly appreciated!!! ;) :cool: <br /><br />Happy Holidays!!! :cool: :cool:


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 11, 2003
Re: Shark Fishing

No info on that, but you must be one patient person to land a shark with a flyrod!! :p


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Shark Fishing

Never seen anyone flyfishing for them Flyrod. I did witness a pretty good sized mako, probably 8', get taken by a fisherman fishing from the Oceanside pier. You should have seen the surfers (me included) make a mass exodus from the water ;)

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

:) Thanks for the info!!!<br /><br />Giloo9>> No harder to bring in a fish on the fly then a conventional rod!!! some people just make it hard for themselves!!!<br /><br />found a guide that claims to have developed a special techniqie to attract, catch and release sharks!!! May book a trip out of San Diego with him !!! It may just be a plus for me on the east coast!!! I will have to be a good stundent!!! It could bring 10 or more charters to my bussiness!!! We have excellent shark fishing on jefferies in August- Oct. ;) :cool: <br /><br />Happy Holidays!!! :cool: :cool:


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

What kind of Shark??<br />If you hook a Sixgill or Sevengill Your flyrod will look like a prezel. If you hook a Soupfin You will never see the pole again. Great White you will need a bigger boat. Maybe a Sand Shark or a Leopard or Blue Shark.<br /><br />Really Sixgill, Sevengill, or Soupfin You beed at least a 90 pound steel leader with a 13/0 hook. You should have as least 50 lb line and most use 80lb or 120 pound. Pole must be able to give 40 lbs of pull at 90 degrees. Baits are usualy a 8 Oz to 1 pound.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

According to a fella named Bowman,of Jan. and Feb. are2 good months to go and we will be fishing for mako and blue sharks!!!<br /><br />What ya think!!!! ;) :cool:


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

Flyrod, I think you are nuts!! ;) ;) :) <br />I have this mental picture of you shadow casting( like Brad Pitt "in a river runs through it")standing on the front end of a tuna boat with huge sharks circling underneath.The thing I really don't get is what sort of fly a shark would go after.


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

Flyrod<br />What weight rod and pound test line does this guy recommend. I will admit I never caught a Mako but have hooked many blue shark while bottom fishing for rockfish. 50 pound line with a 40 lb mono hook leader is no match for even a 3 foot Blue. Must have steel leader and a great drag to land the blues. When brought on board if not shot keep body and gear away and have a BIG Club ready.<br /><br />I am sure you are going to use bait not a fly. Right<br />Sharks are meet eaters.<br /><br />Be aware that Great Whites are protected.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

:) Boatist!!<br /><br />If I book this trip it will be caught on a fly!!! :D Never been shark fishing with a fly rod but I'm sure that luring the shark is done the same way as here with chum, chum and conventional rod and reel!!!! That fish will not be coming in the boat!!!! And This guy preaches catch and release!!!!<br /><br />We have an abundance of sharks here in New England!!! Mostly blue sharks; some porbeagle; thresher and an occasional great white!!! I've caught blue sharks, my biggest was about 12 foot,and get this it was caught on 300lb.mono,[no wire] lipped hook, brouhgt to the side of the boat and released, cut the line about 3" from it's mouth!!! ;) <br /><br />Anybody wanting to learn how to chum and rig for sharks, this is a must read sight regardless if on the east or west coast!!! <br /><br /> <br />If ya don't want to read the whole thing go right to the bottom and click on the how tos'!!!! ;) :cool:


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Shark Fishing

I believe some if not all chumming is illegal in California. I am not up on the fishing laws but there is something in the back of my mind that tells me chumming for sharks is a no-no, whether fishing or not. But the Channel Is are in federal waters.<br /><br />I came eyeball-to-eyeball with a mako while spearfishing out at San Miguel Is (NW-most island). Overall, not a pleasant experience. A mako is literally a 1/2 size great white, only to about 12ft. It’s the only shark that can catch a tuna swimming at full speed. Fast! Like Boatist said, watch out for the jaws! It has a 4-part jaw that it unhinges and throws out of its mouth, like a great white.<br /><br />And please take pics! Btw, i think you'll be there during the whale migration. You should see them, sometimes blues when you're crossing the channel.


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Shark Fishing

Chumming is still legal in the ocean. Page 13 of Ocean regs 2004 "27.05 Chumming, including chumming with live bait is permited." There have been a couple of groups trying to get it outlawed. They are mostly surfers and they say the tour boats chumming to bring sharks close for there guest to see gets the sharks all worked up and they are more likely to bite surfers.<br /><br />I caught a lot of sharks but most of the ones I have caught were caught on the bottom with bait. Place I fish the most water is 80 foot with currents up to 4.2 Knots. That means a 40 OZ weight to keep the bait on the bottom.<br /><br />Flyrod has me beat with a 12 foot mako, My biggest is a 8.5 foot SevenGill. Luckly I caught him near the end of the flood tide with only about 2.0 knots current. A cold October day but after the 25 minute fight I was hot. Gear used a 7 foot 50 class rod with 80 pound spectron line on a 113H penn. That was the most I ever saw that rod bend. Won the prize for biggest fish so got the trip free.


Nov 24, 2004
Re: Shark Fishing

an 8' mako off o-side pier huh ? I saw a flying fish in the channel of hedionda! how you gonna act when your eyebrows connact.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 9, 2004
Re: Shark Fishing

Go for it flyrod! Saw an article where a guy chums up sharks and then casts a large red fly to them. He has landed some over 400 pounds. We have several flyfishermen down here who regularly whip 150 plus pound tarpon from the shore. Ive caught big sharks( over 10 ft.) and big tarpon and Ive never seen a shark that could fight half as much as a tarpon. You guys that dont fly fish dont realize what a 12 wt. fly rod can do. I was a skeptic too, until I started fly fishing this year. Also we have caught numerous sharks on lures while trolling and casting.