Shark fins - what good are they for eating?


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 15, 2003
I caught a couple sharks (one 3' hammerhead and several black-tipped). I decided to take the largest black-tipped one home for supper.<br /><br />I did cut around the sharks neck and hang it in the water for about 30 minutes to help rid it of excess blood. I then put it on ice.<br /><br />When I got home I finished cleaning it (gutting it, removing head completely and tail). What, if anything, do the fins have to offer as far as a meal?<br /><br />It was the first shark that I decided to keep. I've done some googling and didn't find the exact answer to my question.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2004
Re: Shark fins - what good are they for eating?

mmmmm...blacktip. that's good. <br /><br />oh, yeah, anyway... the only thing I have heard of with shark fins is shark fin soup. it's popular in asia, though there are a lot of people who are upset that sharks are being overfished for the fins. never had it, but as to its preparation, here's a blurb from a semi-random google result:<br /><br />
It's cooked for a very long time until the shark fin separates into needles of cartilage that look like clear noodles. The fin itself has no taste, but it's served with a broth of chicken, ham and shiitake that it absorbs. The final texture is supposed to be interesting.<br /><br />Shark-fin soup is traditionally regarded in Chinese medicine as a tonic. [It's good at strengthening the waist, supplementing vital energy, nourishing blood, invigorating kidney and lung and improving digestion, according to the Compendium of Materia Medica] Modern nutritionists find it rich in protein, and the large amount of gelatin contained can help the growth of cartilage.<br /><br />But scientifically speaking, shark fin has little nutritional value--and, in fact, it may even be harmful to health over the long term, as shark fins have been found to contain high levels of mercury.
I know the mercury is an issue with all sea game, so beware.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Shark fins - what good are they for eating?

forget the fin, tail steaks are oh so good! :) <br />several yrs ago was in seafood biz and can tell<br />u that half people who order swordfish actually<br />get same ;)


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 15, 2003
Re: Shark fins - what good are they for eating?

Mellowyellow,<br />How do I prepare the tail steaks? I'll eat it as well next time.<br /><br />I salt and peppered the steaks I cut out of the body of the shark, then dipped them in flower and finally dipped them in beaten egg before frying them in vegetable oil in the frying pan.<br /><br />It was excellent! I think shark fin soup will stay off of my menu. Maybe one day, but not likely. Thanks for sharing guys.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 3, 2004
Re: Shark fins - what good are they for eating?

If you ever want to try out shark fin soup, you will have to go to a 'real' chinese restaurant for it. You will have to order it in advance as preparation time takes a lot of time. shark fin for the shark finsoup takes a long process time and very labor intensive. That is why it is expensive. Once you tried it you would want some more of it. I love shark fin soup but can only afford occasionally as it cost $$$.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Shark fins - what good are they for eating?

Shark fin soup is ok. The cartilage noodles are semi-crunchy. Flavor is mild, most anyone would like it. Way over rated, over priced. Now sea cucumber is the one dish in the whole world that I wish I had never tangled with ...


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 11, 2003
Re: Shark fins - what good are they for eating?

I've decided that there must be some use for shark fins. In so much as Detroit designed many a car after the lowly sharks fins.... why not preserve them somehow and glue them on the hoods of these import cars that people bolt flying wings on. They can't possibly look any more foolish than the "wings" and might even add to high speed stability if mounted properly. Right? I can see them now in your favorite Wallymart under improved performance. Maybe even a "combo" kit. Wings and fins. Hell, I might even mount a Hammer Head to the hood of my truck. Lower it down to 1/4 inch over the ground and blast bass music out so loud that little ole ladies keel over dead. Thats what I'm talkin bout.