Re: seperate or parrallel for house baterries
You are getting really good advice here. If these are your house batteries and you have another starter battery, then you definitely want to run them in parallel. I would also add a battery monitor so that you know what you are doing to those batteries with this load

.<br /><br />Note that you should only drain your batteries to 50% level. So do the math and don't run the microwave more than that amount if you don't have a meter. Power usage for a small microwave should be about 80 amps/hour (800watts/12*1.2).<br /><br />BTW, I doubt that you could ever use the full 2500 watts out of this inverter. That would be 250 amps coming in and I doubt very much your setup would allow that for any lenght of time. So use that as a safety margin. And talking about safety, be sure to tug hard on the battery cables going to the inverter. If they are lose and you pull this much power, they could get very hot and cause a fire (I came close with our 1500 watt intervert).<br /><br />Amir