We dont have anything to do w the boat ads Joe, cant answer your question specifically but sounds like its a typical auto response in a digital age.
Better to under promise and over deliver. Ad went live pretty quick, IMO. As an online retailer, it may take an actual person to review each ad before it goes live. I'd bet Craigs relies on a pretty basic auto-censor or bot to parse ads before they go live. And relie on usrrs to help police the wack-a-doos that post bogus ads. Some of those are fairly blatant bogus ads, that a well written, high level auto-censor or bot should have caught. Esp given the number of ads that get posted in numerous cities, w no changes...
Most vendors will make the w/drawl almost immediately when you place an order online, but say it may take upto 2business days to 'process'. Then will often take 5-10business days to issue a refund, maybe longer. Its all.just 1s and 0s, and in a moder digital age, it shouldnt take nearly that long. No different then my bank notifing me before close of business today, that there are auto-drafts going out and direct deposits going in to my account tomorrow. The computers have already 'spoken' to each other in advance of the money actually moving..... .