Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes


Apr 29, 2008
Just about two years ago I decided that I wanted to get healthy. I was gonna turn 40 in 2010 and knew that statistically it was now or never. I have two young daughters, and I would like to be around to hopefully meet my grandkids some day. I changed my eating habits, made an effort to exercise, etc, etc.
I thought I had accomplished my goal. As of my annual physical last week, my total weight is down 105 Lbs, my cholesterol numbers are great (168 Total, 55 HDL, 104 LDL, 47 Trigs), my fasting blood glucose is 90, all the rest of my blood work came back normal, my resting pulse rate is in the mid 40s, my body fat is 15% or less. To all apparent metrics, I am the picture of health.

Then we get to my blood pressure. It seems that cardiac issues run on my mother's side of the family. My mom passed away from a sudden heart attack at 62, my grandmother of a stroke, my grandfather from congestive heart failure. I knew this history, which figures into my efforts at getting healthy. Well, it seems that a healthy weight and healthy eating habits are not enough. My blood pressure read 145/90, which prompted my doctor to want to monitor it more closely since that falls into the stage 1 hypertension category. He asked me to get a home blood pressure monitor and start taking my bp multiple times a day so that we can establish whether or not it was just a bad morning and some white-coat hypertension or if it was the real deal. Well, a week into taking my bp three times a day, and the average sits right at 141/85.
The worst part is that short of maintenance medication, I don't know what I can do. Checking the NIH and WebMD websites (along with others) their basic advice is "lose weight and exercise more". Gee, thanks. Been there, done that. Seems that there is a percentage of the population (myself included) that is predisposed to hypertension. The only other thing I can do is cut my sodium intake, but that is already about as minimal as I can live with. I use very little salt when preparing food, and avoid all processed foods. Even with all that, my reading though medical studies on sodium and blood pressure indicate that the best I can hope for is about a 3-4 point drop in the BP should I cut out all salt.

I'm just venting here. It almost seems that despite my hardest efforts, I fell just a bit short in the health department. I guess at this point it will be eternal vigilance in terms of cardiac issues.



Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

Take a coated aspirin a day. A standard size one. It will act as a blood thinner....... consider blood pressure like ketchup coming out of a bottle...... thin it and it comes out easier. The aspirin will have a similar effect. Try it.

I will be 56 and have been down the heart attack road (not fun). I watch my diet and have excellent blood work number's. My cholesterol is 101, 28 HDL, 58 LDL 75 Trig and the same glucose as yours. MY BP hover's around 121/70. I do not add any salt to any of my food and the wife only uses a tiny bit during preparation/cooking. High fiber, high protein low carb diet.

Maybe it's time for a BP medication .....ask the Dr. Don't give up.......... and don't stress about it (or your BP will go up!!)

Regardless of what we do........ we all die in the end!

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

It is all in the genes, if you have a bad gene it will come out sooner or later. My blood pressure on average is 112/60, my cholesterol is very good, was always healthy and now a physical wreck.

Do not need to add much salt if any. Eating prepared foods has more then enough salt.

If you have medical insurance get the best possible doctors(specialist) in your area. The little city or town medical centers are only good for head colds. We have some of the best medical hospitals in the country here in Massachusetts, if I had stayed with my local medical center and hospital, I would have been dead in 2007.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 23, 2009
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

As Bob VT suggested, take a low dose aspirin a day. Some people say it does more for them than lipitor. My dad who has always been active, was playing football in high school while taking blood pressure medication. He has had to change his meds several times over the years, and has now made it to 80years old. Monitoring is a must.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

Sorry to hear that, Eric. I know you've been working your *** off; literally;), and I'm so impressed with what you've accomplished. I have a buddy in his early sixties who puts most everyone I know, present company included, to shame with regard to physical fitness. Six pack abs, runs half marathons, that sort of thing, and to top it all off he's blind. He was on his treadmill one day and "just didn't feel right" so he quit running and called his doctor. Long story short two weeks later he was in the midst of an angiogram and went into cardiac arrest on the table. They performed an emergency bypass and he's felt like a million bucks ever since. He only had one vessel blocked, but it was the most important one (excluding the aorta of course). Docs refer to it as the widow maker because apparently it's the main culprit behind the sudden fatal heart attacks. That little story just illustrates your point that heredity is the one factor you can't impact. Will you begin taking the BP meds?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

Yes, genes have a lot to do with it, but you can address the deficiencies in your genes with proper diet and medications.

There is no reason anyone should not clear 70 years of age if you were born after 1960 or so. Health care is just that much better. The conditions that cause blockage, etc can be identified (as you know) with blood tests. The actual plockage percentage can be tested with a fancy stain test. Ask your doctor for these tests early, as you have a history of early death due to heart disease.

With a fair amount of precaution, you can do an end run-around the bad genes and be around to see your grandchildren scribble all over your freshly painted kitchen walls with permanent markers. :D


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

With a fair amount of precaution, you can do an end run-around the bad genes and be around to see your grandchildren scribble all over your freshly painted kitchen walls with permanent markers. :D

Which hopefully won't cause that heart attack.:eek:


Sep 11, 2001
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

I got a free BP test at Walgreen's the other day. The pharmacist took it twice to be sure. 167/106.......I have a Dr. appointment today.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

I would be inclined to recommend some self medication except that one should never self medicate. . .never.

I think your Doc will put you on an aspirin regimen, but do it only at his/her recommendation.

Most of the ills you and I (and Bob) suffer cannot be absolutely prevented, but you can greatly reduce your vulnerability and it sounds like you are doing that. Without those actions you might not be around now.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

+1 to JB.

Never....sorry...NEVER start a midication regimine without talking to your physician first. An aspirin tablet (ASA) is generally a 325 mg dose. Taking a ASA regimine daily is usually 81 mg dose. The 325 mg/day dose can lead to untoward effects in your liver, kidneys, and digestive tract. Most ASA regimines are begun after a heart attack. A healthy heart doesn't need ASA daily. Just because your BP is slightly elevated doesn't mean your heart isn't healthy.

B/P fundamentals: The top number (systolic) is the pressure of your blood in the arterial system when you heart is contracting (squeezing). The bottom number (diastolic) is the pressure ot the blood in your arterial system when the heart is at rest. The systolic is important, but the diastolic is even more important. As a male, the systolic (top) number should be equal (or less) than 100+ your age, up to about age 60. I.E. For a 48 y/o male, you are OK if the top number is 150 or less. The diastolic number should be consistantly less than 90. To get a qualified BP, take the reading at the same time every day or two and average them out over a month. For the home machines, take those readings as a generality, not as concrete. They aren't usually very precise. If you were way over the 90, then I would be concerned. Right now, you're at the monitoring stage. Some BP's rise just being at the doctor's office (white coat syndrome) or might be higher depending on the time of day (after coffee, after work, etc).

Even if you have to go on a low dose hypertension med, go with it. What do you think your BP would have been if you hadn't been exercising & losing weight!

Great job on your getting into shape!!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

My wife had some issues with her bp but since I am not in the medical field of any sort I can not suggest anything but if you like I can give you her phone number she is a RN and working on becoming a naturopath doc and she would be more than happy to help you,pm me if interested


Feb 22, 2008
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

You never know.:)


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Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2009
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

Not without a physician's okay.

Watch out for Niacin. I was on it for a few weeks and had terrible sweats at night and even nightmares about being on fire. My Doc took me off it right away.


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

2 years ago I came home from a tradeshow in NYC..It was mothers day weekend.
At 10 pm I told Diane I didnt feel well..She took me to the ER, kicking and screaming of course..
The triage nurse took my BP and said I should be dead, or having a stroke on the floor..
220/190..I guess thats bad huh?


Sep 22, 2006
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

2 years ago I came home from a tradeshow in NYC..It was mothers day weekend.
At 10 pm I told Diane I didnt feel well..She took me to the ER, kicking and screaming of course..
The triage nurse took my BP and said I should be dead, or having a stroke on the floor..
220/190..I guess thats bad huh?

So what did you do? Smoke another cigarette?


Apr 29, 2008
Re: Seems you can't outrun , out-lift, or otherwise out-exercise bad genes

Thanks for all the replies. After thinking about this long and hard, talking to friends (and posting on this great board), I've decided to take it all in stride. Like Fireman431 says, I am in a monitoring mode right now. I've had recommendations locally for a good cardiologist, and I will have a full work-up to determine what the real threat to my health is and what my options are. In the meantime all I can do is keep doing what I am doing; eat right, exercise, and reduce stress. Thanks again for all the replies, suggestions, and warnings.
