sea sick


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 31, 2007
I have been fishing for over 30 years.When i was i kid i would get sick even if the bay was like a lake.After years of fishing i seen to grow out of it.I would never get sick but sometimes felt like sh.t.I try eating light the night before and just started taking ginger pills.I was fishing today and felt like i almost was ready for the bucket.I started caught fish and it seen to go away.Sometimes i wonder if it all in your mind but i always tell them it all in my stomach.What rountine or pill,etc. works for you?
Apr 12, 2008
Re: sea sick

When i go off shore the thing i try to do is to keep your mind concentrating on something. Mainly the cause of me getting sick is looking at the waves and thinking about not getting sick. So what i do is move around and think about catching a lot of fish. And i've noticed when you catch fish you dont feel sick because your concentrating on getting the fish in the boat. We use to have a 42' Cabo Sport Fisher and we would go off shore about 15 miles or so and i would get really sick. So then my grandfather told me exactly what i just told you. I tried ginger pills one time and it didn't work for me. So really i think it has to do with your mind not so much your stomach. And there are some people who just don't have a really strong stomach, not that im saying you dont. But maybe my advice will work for you.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 18, 2007
Re: sea sick

i get sick to, so i read up as much as i could and it is from your body telling your brain you are hullicinating becouse your eyes are saying your moving and the rest of your body is saying you arent so as a reaction your brain tells your body to trow up thinking you have been druged so im thinking the more we move the better we might be.


Feb 19, 2005
Re: sea sick

Ask your doctor for a prescription for scopolamine. (The patch) Put it on the night before you go out. You?ll be a happy camper.


Jan 21, 2007
Re: sea sick

do not drink alcohol the nite before! or you will be hugging the plastic bucket ! age ,food , drinks, swells and smells - memory. ETC/....DONT RIG OLD BAITS DOWN BELOW, AFTER A NITE OUT IN CANCUN! my dad of 87 yrs. ! was in the navy for 28 yrs. never sea sick ! went fishing in 5 ft seas and he got sick . so it can happen!!!! would like to try the patch . seen it by the docs on the cruise ships. prob the best remedy???

bream master

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 27, 2008
Re: sea sick

i agree with tashadaddy being inner ear drum as that is the whole balance 2 human body as explained 2me by a doctor,he suggested to me next time i go offshore to take along a set of head phones ipod etc as this method distracts the ear drum also confuses it .I thought he was mad at first until i tried it & beleive u me it worked.......TRY IT U NEVER NO..:p


Mar 11, 2008
Re: sea sick

take dramamine.. the non drowsy type. my dad never gets sick on the boat lake or ocean.. but when he goes fishing with he guy he works with he always takes dramamine.. we use it for car rides too it works great.

bream master

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 27, 2008
Re: sea sick

Gday to all.gets pretty boring out there listening 2 music & trying 2 focus on fishing and everything else but this method worked 4 me,i've never heard of dramamine here in australia but will make some enquiries and see what i find.If it works i'll try it.........-:cool:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 30, 2008
Re: sea sick

Yup, inner ear. When I was a kid, I had some inner ear infections, now I can't even watch a merry-go-round without getting nauseous. Tried candied ginger,motion sickness pills(gravol). Now I take a antihistamine the morning I head out, no more problem.
My daughter, who also went through a bout of ear infections, uses her I-pod, it works for her.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 26, 2008
Re: sea sick

While younger and in the Navy, I went throught 30' seas in a DE and never was affected. I used to feel sorry for other sailors that got sick.
Then just a few years ago while on a fishing trip I was heaving over the side.
Also found out I couldn't ride the roller coasters without feeling really sick.
Started using over the counter dramamine and all is well. The stuff works.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 24, 2002
Re: sea sick

I'm lucky and don't get seasick...but my wife almost can't even look at a picture of waves without getting sick, she gets it that bad!

For years she tried all kinds of things including dramamine...that only worked so-so and made her very sleepy so trips were no fun for her. She also tried other things from various medicines to things such as natural essential oils. Nothing worked.

I had suggested that she try the "patch" behind her ear, as I had some friends who said it really wored well. You get as a perscription from your doctor for it. For years she said she would some day, but did not try it. Then last year we were going to go fishing in Alaska in the ocean and I convinced her to go and get the patch perscription from her doctor. She did...and it worked wonderfully well! It really was amazing to see the difference!

You put it on the night before you go out in the boat, putting it on just before you go to sleep. Don't put it on too early the evening before or it will make you feel very uncomfortably and somewhat dizzy or tipsy. By the next morning she felt just fine and it worked wonderfully for the 3 days it was supposed to work, with NO problems at all, and we were in 6-8 foot swells in a small (23") boat all day for those 3 days. She had the time of her life, did not feel drugged or sleepy, and wants to go back again. Now that's a first! Obviously I now recommend for people with motion sickness problems to try the patch.

Hope this helps.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: sea sick

hi there dramomine is the pill I ALWAYS USe and never get sick even if Im drinking and eating all day take 1 pill 2 hours before going on the boat and 1 after every 3 hours.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: sea sick

Luckily I seem to be immune-so far-,but the best thing against it is the morning sickness medicine that pregnant women use.It is called ginger.Eat some the evening before and again an hour before you step on the boat.In most Japanese restaurants they serve real good ginger with the sushi.


Oct 12, 2008
Re: sea sick

Hi tried them all i get sick even in the bathtub the only thing that works for me is wrist bands with a ball bearing in them. you can get them from the chemist for about $30 a pair put one on each wrist. these are the only things that work for me. regard.
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Chief Petty Officer
Jan 14, 2007
Re: sea sick

If you only get sea sick, it's psycological, otherwise you would get car sick and air sick. Motion sickness is motion sickness.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 29, 2008
Re: sea sick

I keep a jar of ginger (FROM THE SPICE RACK) on board just in case someone gets sea sick. Dad said it works. I've never needed it. He said to swallow a teaspoon of it down and follow it with anything to get the awefull taste out of your mouth.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2007
Re: sea sick

My wife can't even watch SpongeBob Squarepants on TV without getting seasick. But the "patch" (Scopolamine) works for her. No kidding, I mean it really works well. She can't take Dramamine at all because it just puts her to sleep.

dan t.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 28, 2008
Re: sea sick

I got over sea sickness many years ago, the more I went out the less it seemed to affect me. however my wife has it bad,she uses the patch with great success. she tried gravol which just put her to sleep. wrist bands or ginger didnt work either