Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
I have a 1959 Texas Maid Fiesta that takes a 1/2" screw in type plug with a rubber gasket on it, I have lost the plug and can't seem to find one, I have tried brass and pvc pipe plugs but they just screw all the way through the drain, where in the world can I get a gasket type plug for it? I don't have any marine dealers close to here and none of the marinas at the lake I have checked with only carry the rubber snap plugs i tried one and water leaks in around the threads, the drain seals around a lip on it, it's a pain having to wrap the brass plug with plumbers tape every time i put it in and it's hard to get a wrench in the hole in the floor to tighten it. :confused:

delta breeze

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 25, 2004
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

See If a oil drain plug at the parts store will fit?It has a gasket and a flange on them. The Delta Breeze


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2002
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

What is /was the original plug made of. There are plenty of plastic/nylon type plugs with built in "O" rings available in UK.If you give more details will see if I can source one.<br />Andy


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

Might be easier to replace the whole thing.I'm think you may have a steel hull that may pose a problem though. Might be worth looking to.<br /><br /><br /> Jim

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

I suggest that you replace the whole thing. They only cost 8 or 9 bucks and relieve a lot of aggravation. The original fit is a tapered one and it probably wore down over the years letting the plug just keep on going. Just replaced mine which I neglected to keep lubricated and let freeze up.


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

My Crestliner has that type plug. 1/2 inch PVC pipe that screws in from the outside. It comes with a oring. On mine though any pvl 1/2 plastic screw in plug will work just fine.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

The plug was made of cast aluminum and wasn't tapered, hence the brass plug just screwing all the way through. It has a cover over the outside of the drain that opens to the rear of the boat, by the way it goes through the bottom of the boat not through the transom, kind of at a loss at were to get one, I looked at several replacement kits and none of them mount like the one in the Texas Maid, rivit- screw holes in different spots and none have as many as the original, man what a can of worms, if and when I ever find one I am going to chain it to the boat so it can't get away, A guy that has a Crestliner was over here looking at the Texas Maid about a month ago and i bet he got it thinking it will fit his but his is a 3/4" plug and mine is a 1/2", wish i knew where he lives I would make a trip to find out. Thanks for the help I know there has to be somewhere out there to get one.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

If you can't find what your looking ,you may be able to get the hole drilled out,new threads that you can find a plug that fits put in.Any machine shop or tool and die shop should be able to do this.I ran into a situation (not with a boat) that I had to get this done. All it cost me was 4 coffee's.I would have paid alot of money after after all the greif I went through looking for the origonal part.GOOD LUCK!!!!<br /><br /> Jim

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

I don't know about tapping to another size, the mount through the hull looks like cast too, I have a friend that has a machine shop about 20 miles from here, i'll just hook up the boat and let him take a look but i don't think I can go that route. But then he might have a brainstorm on the thing. Wish Texas Maid was still in business, they made a real good boat, so did Lone Star as far as that goes.
May 7, 2004
Re: Screw in Type Boat Plug Question???

just got back from lowes the threads are the same as a 5/8" flare plug for gas lines if you want 2 original plugs email me i'm not going to use them.