Score! :)


Oct 8, 2003
I went into WalMart this morning and stolled through the fishing section, Duh, like that wasnt going to happen! I ve been going to get my wife a little heavier spinning rod so I picked out a medium 6' Berkley Lightning rod. $28.94. I then went to pay for it and the gal rang up $3.00 for the rod. It was the only thing I had. I politly told her, "Not that I wouldnt like to get it for that price, but that she had to have made a mistake". She scanned it again and it rang up $3.00 again. I told her that even on sale that the price would have to be more than that and by that time the line was forming behind me and she said it would be too much trouble to figure out what was wrong and looked me in the eye and said, "$3.00 please" so I paid her and walked out with a $3.00 Berkley Lightning rod! <br /><br />The thought came to mind that I should go back and buy every other 6' Berkley Lightning rod they had, but I at least try to an honest person!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 2, 2006
Re: Score! :)

Go back and buy all the 6' Berkley lighting rods that you can get for 3.00 and what you don't need, there's always ebay :D

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: Score! :)

My mom use to be a csm at wallyworld,that happens ever now and then.the other rods are probably coded can also work the other be happy :)there mistake and they dont care.also you can comp stuff there.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Score! :)

My dad bought 11 Quantum rod/reel combos for $6 a piece a few months ago. They were marked down from $30 each, to $12. The manager was ticked off at some kids that were playing with them.<br />Dad asked what price he could get if he took all 11. $6 !!<br />He gave 1 to each of the 2 kids, kept one, and put the other 8 in the church manna fund.<br /><br />He routinely shops all the department stores for bargain clearance items. Stores usually have a special place that they set this stuff out. Out of season, just before they setup for the new season is best. He has picked up complete bed sheet sets for $2, kitchenware $10 for a huge box full, coffee pots $2, kids toys for 5 cents on the dollar, kitchen tables $10 . My parents are in charge of the manna fund at their church, and they distribute household goods to the needy, so they shop year round. They also spend 3 days a week collecting donations of used household goods. They just arranged for a motel to donate over 75 mattresses. And a cache of over 400 Beany Babies.<br /><br />But I digress. <br />You brought the price glitch to their attention. No guilty feeling needed.<br />Take it when you can get it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 7, 2006
Re: Score! :)

LOL @ jtexas. :D Bassin Fever will probably go out and catch that trophy he's been after for years...on a $3.00 rod!