Scoop? Scoop who?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Hey thought I would check in. A couple years back I spent a lot of time on the board. Then came alot life changes. It has been interesting couple years which include
- My job of 16 years being eliminated
- Trying to sell a house just as the bottom dropped out of the market so I could move
- Breaking my leg and losing unemployment because I "could not perform the jobs I was applying for" The state's opinion, not mine.
- Getting 20,000 gallons of raw sewage in the basement of the house I was trying to sell during the floods in southern Wisconsin.
- Breaking my foot
- Getting my car totalled and suffering from multiple vision due to some brain damage and neck issues (no broken bones from this)
- Getting what would amount to the one of the worst jobs of my life (grinding asbestos and sweeping it off the floor without breathing equipment not included)
- Being let go two days after I got back from being off due to injuries from the auto accident. I knew I was done for when my boss' best friend was standing in my spot when I got back from the month off.
- and a lot of other things (some people joked that both my houses would be hit by meteors at the same time the way my luck was going)​

But I am back. What I want to do is not to list the bad stuff that happened, but thank all of you for your support. when things went from bad to worse it was nice to think back on all the words of encouragement some many people here gave me before the move and any of this happened. There were days that I would start thinking bad about myself and remember the words of encouragement and it helped. I know sounds cliche', but thank you everyone! Roscoe, Calico, JB, SpinnerBaitNut, Ladyfish, and so many others. Things are so much better now.​

P.S. my old boss is no longer at the bad job and they asked me if I would come back. Fortunately I have another job and politely said no.​


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 2, 2008
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Well welcome back,maybe someone will read about your couple of years and say if he came back from all that I can overcome what I am going through,congrats on the better job

Bart Sr.

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2002
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

DAYUM!!!! And I thought I had it bad!!!

Welcome back.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 9, 2005
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Welcome back..... did your dog die, and the transmission fall out of your truck? you can almost hear the makings of a country song! :)


May 18, 2005
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

welcome back:) sounds like it should all be good for you now,you have used up all your bad luck!!!



Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Sorry to hear or all the bad luck, especially the injuries.

So are you still settled in the Rhinelander area?
2 of my cousins moved there over the last 2 years, and I have yet to come visit them.

Sounds like the asbestos job is just a nightmare, waiting for a lawsuit. I bet their insurance company would like to hear how they conduct business. Please don't tell me they were dumping the stuff in the river.

So, glad to hear you are getting back on your feet, hope to hear more from you, and good luck fishing.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Well it can only get better from here by the sounds of it.
Hope to see a lot more of you out here.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 22, 2002
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

the epitaph on Guy Simpson's grave marker says "Rough weather makes strong timber" truer words were never spoken.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Glad to see you have weathered the storms and made it back ;)


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Hey Scoop, good to see you made it back "home"! Sorry for the journey you had to travel, but, thankfully, it seems you have weathered the storm and are probably much stronger for it.

There have been some changes around here since you went AWOL. I remember, you didn't have internet connection during the move ... but did it really take you a couple of years to get internet to the Rhineland area???? :eek:;):p:D

You have been missed. Sorry you had to go through so much, but glad you are back!


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

What I want to do is not to list the bad stuff that happened, but thank all of you for your support. when things went from bad to worse it was nice to think back on all the words of encouragement some many people here gave me before the move and any of this happened. There were days that I would start thinking bad about myself and remember the words of encouragement and it helped. I know sounds cliche', but thank you everyone! Roscoe, Calico, JB, SpinnerBaitNut, Ladyfish, and so many others. Things are so much better now.​

Sadly though, Spinner is no longer with us. He passed a little over a year ago.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

OMG, look what the cat dragged in. ;) Great to see you Scoop!

I'm glad you've put all those woes behind you and have moved on. We all have years like that and for every bad one, there is a good one.

Welcome back to the fold!


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

For Adoption:

Really nice Chocolate Lab. He needs a loving home with people who can deal with a few imperfections. He's missing his right, hind leg from being hit by a car. He's blind in his left eye after a fight with a cat. His lungs aren't too bad, but the smoke inhalation from a fire in our house last year, has kinda slowed him down. Don't worry about neutering - he got those caught in one of those paint stirring wands that I had on my power drill.

Answers to the name, "Lucky."




Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Thanks everybody,
I am so sorry to hear about Spinner. He was a great guy. I remember talking to him about being on the People's Court. The only person I ever talked to that had been on the show.​

I am not sorry for the journey. It makes me realize that I still had it pretty good. A lot of people out there had it a lot worse than me. I always had a roof over my head, enough to eat, and was healthy overall. Besides, now I know how to take care of a basement full of sewage. Oh and that FEMA and the insurance companys are not there to help. Now I know to get the sewer backup addendum to my insurance policy.​

I am settled in Rhinelander, got to do some fishing this year, I went deer hunting for the first time ever with my son this year (and got a 6 pointer).​

It did take a while to get the internet. Hard to afford sometimes. One of my paychecks for 121 hours of work was $65 and my computer went belly up. While buying the foreclosure, we had to give notice to our landlord. She rented the house and the closing date was not met by the foreclosure company. We had to move into a 144 sq ft uninsulated cabin at the end of October 2008. Wife, Son, 4 cats. Since it was only supposed to be for a month we did not try to get internet. Of course we stayed there through December 2008. The heater kept going out and mold started growing on the cabin walls because of the condensation and lack of insulation. You know how cold those northern Wisconsin winters can be.
Felt bad for my son. He was 6'1" then and had to sleep on a love seat. Still it was so nice of our friend to offer her cabin. After we moved out, I took care of the mold for her. The view of the lake was beautiful.​

Roscoe, if you do get up this way, give me a call. We can go out for a beer :)
I thought I would attach a couple of pics of my car after the accident. Too bad I just put new tires on.​


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Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Sorry to hear about the tough time you've had, glad to see that that you're still intact after the rough patch, hang in there dude. ;)


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Scoop, you are lucky to be alive. There must be a reason you were spared.​

fat fanny

Lieutenant Commander
Feb 9, 2006
Re: Scoop? Scoop who?

Glad to see you toughed it out instead of giving up remember what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and more appricieative of things we took for granted.