scary thoughts


Apr 28, 2008
We were boating on a 550 acre lake this past weekend having fun pulling kids on tubes, I put my 4 year old on the tube with her sister and was taking it easy maybe 5 to 8 miles per hours, all of the sudden I look and see a little yellow life jacket in the water, I hit the hooks steer away from it and this little kid is swimming about 300 yards from shore right where boats are going like a bat out of hell. I look to my left and Mom is swimming to catch him. I pull over ask if he needs help, now this kid is 40 pounds soaking wet and maybe 4yrs old. He says nope, swimming to shore, so I go to the mother who is 150 yards behind him and ask her if she is okay and if he is okay and she says yep were both fine. I then find a boat with a trolling motor on it with Dad and 2 other tiny kids in it, and I ask him if everything is okay, he tells me yes, mom went to get the little boy but they are fine, I then said he was swimming right infront of all these boats pulling skiers and tubes, and the replied again that they would be just fine, not to worry, Then I unloaded on him, I was going about 8 miles and hour and it scared me and he started to get a bit snippy, just then a 22 foot boat pulling a skier and Mach 10 turn sharp to the leftand the skier went to the right, and what do you know the little boy and mom are between the skier and the boat. It was close, after proceeding to yell at this guy and and tell him he was an idiot, I let my boat sit between the 2 swimmers and another other boats, when they got back to dad his response was not hey thanks alot, it was "I told you they would be just fine" It was a good thing my wife and kids were with, I thought I was going to kill the guy


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: scary thoughts

Stupid is too often a capital offense.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 22, 2008
Re: scary thoughts

You obviously don't need a license to parent. Some people know it all.

that little fellow has one great guardian angel.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 29, 2008
Re: scary thoughts

Why dont parents take their kids to the beach where it is safe to swim and there are no boats allowed. I cant beleive a parent would put their kids at risk like that.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 5, 2008
Re: scary thoughts

You should have said nothing. The gene pool needs cleansing!! :rolleyes:


Apr 28, 2008
Re: scary thoughts

you may be right about saying nothing, but a 4 year kid doesnt know any better than what his moronic parents know. Plus being trained in water rescue and on a fire department I would have had to dive to the bottom of the lake to pull his butt out, That would have ruined my day, however what I should have done is sunk his dads boat and watched his *** swim to shore for being stupid.