Scared me to death!!


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Scared me to death!!

Now you know the reason a lot of boaters do everything themselves regardless of whether they have a friend that could help or not. Imagine your friend hopping in the boat and going to start it up after pushing it of the trailer into the river only to realize he has no clue how to start the boat or lower the trolling motor. The current was prety swift but he did get the trollingmotor down and the boat to shore. All I wanted him to do was hold the rope but since he watched hundreds of of other people he thought he knew what he was doing.


Nov 22, 2002
Re: Scared me to death!!

Yep, I'm learning to only trust myself.<br />I almost learned it too late!


Sep 1, 2002
Re: Scared me to death!!

Mid-summer at a crowded and busy marina, my not so bright buddy hops on my boat and gives the stern a super-hero push into the swim grid (luckily) of the 40ish foot Sea Ray next to us... then grabs my boat hook and drops it in the water. There was 30+ diners on the deck watching including the owners of the Sea Ray. I could tell by thier comments :eek: . I have a bigger boat now but I insist on docking or departing without help. Non boaters don't have a clue so it's best if they stay seated when something important is happening.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Scared me to death!!

The ol saying holds true here,<br />"If you want something done right, do it yourself"<br /><br />My ol boat ain't worth much but, if I want something stupid to happen to it, I want to do it myself and that way, I am the only one to blame. :D


Apr 24, 2003
Re: Scared me to death!!

I have to agree with the do it yourself Motto. No matter who is with me, or who offers to help do this or help do that. I insist on preping, Unloading and loading my boat by myself. That way, I am the only 1 to blaim if something goes wrong. The best help anyone can give is just to stay out of my way, But be close enough to help IF, and only IF I ask them to do something like hold a rope or bring me the end of the wentch cable. I boat alone allot, So if someone tries to help, the shear fact that I didnt do somehting I normal do makes me feel like something is wrong,, Like there is a check missing on my mental checklist. And I always end up double checking anything anyones does anyway.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 6, 2003
Re: Scared me to death!!

I know what you mean, I have an uncle that to this day has no clue. It is a nightmare to go fishing with him and I am in my own boat. We got stopped by the police because he did not have a licence plate on the boat, But He did not know you need a licence plate on the trailer. Got to the lake and we were in 50 feet of water and I threw my anchor over and so did he but I forgot ot tell him to tie the anchor to the boat first.<br />Next I ask him if he has any extra oil for the motor, He gave me this stare like I aked him how many planets are there.OIL what oil, I brought some 10W40 will that do. None the less I have not gone fishing with him anymore.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 12, 2003
Re: Scared me to death!!

Took a buddy out on the lake. Launched the boat with a little bit of his help help him feel needed! Pulled the trailer out while he stayed with the boat. As I got back and got in the boat I told him to continue to hold onto the dock while I started the engine to warm it up. I sat down, and felt motion. he had pushed us off and jumped in . I was 8 feet away from the launch walk way and about 4 feet away and quickly approching land! had to grab an oar from storage and push off! Do things yourself and let the others b*t*h is my favorite motto when it comes to my boat! :cool: