Scarab 21 excel and Baja 252 info


Fleet Admiral
Mar 10, 2016
Hi all

So being over in the U.K. such things as the above two boats and also the Chase 550 I currently own, are very rare things...and such boats only make it over here by means of someone specially importing them over. So details are vague here at best. So hoping someone can answer a few questions on both the above titled boats. Perhaps hoping that they being more common over there for such a thing.

Scarab 21 excel. Friend just recently got his hands on one. Only one I’m aware of over here. 1990 with a 454 7.4 carb. Lovely thing with a bravo 1 and a very tired 23” old school mirage on her.
she has been just recommissioned after nearly a decade of not being in use and even before that...hardly used. Such a special thing and with a little mechanical and ignition system care, delighted to say she has came back to life beautifully. We haven’t pushed her to anything like the limit so far, just for the sake of mechanical sympathy. So I suppose the question might be around the prop now. I’m fully aware of the usual need to know details around rpm, ratios and all that. But looking for real world modern experience from someone that had one of these and has a modern prop to suit. The mirage 23” would be a good prop in the early days, but things have come along. Anyone tried anything modern on any ring similar or identical ? Tempest ? Bravo ? Enertia ? Rev 4 ? We will give her a full throttle run soon enough and once she has had a little attention.

next one...stick with me...

baja 252. Also a rare thing here. We going to see her this week. Had a 99 early version of the 350 mag MPi on a bravo 3 drive and 26” props. Not too familiar with these boats, but might have assumed it would have had a big block in it from new ? Lovely boat. Any issues to look out for with the early Mpi 350 ? Looks like a totally different ignition system from my 2003 mpi. Different Diz cap for sure. Anyone have one of these and how do they perform ?

That will do for now, haha. Any response appreciated