Saturday fun


Oct 28, 2004
Just wanted to add my little story from this past Saturday. Ray and I went on a 1/2 day fishing trip with minimum attitude toward actually catching anything. Last chance for a little RR on a nice lake and a really fantastic cool but sunny day. Ray just didn't beleave fish existed in this lake so he was less than enthusiastic. At 1:30 we got hungry and tired of using lures and 10 year old blood bait with no results this being confirmation for Ray that fish didn't exist in this lake. When we docked for some microwave food at a local bait shop the proprietor noticed our interest in pictures of really hugh fish hanging on the wall and told us they were fish caught in this lake. This immediately peeked Ray's interest and provided the proprietor the chance to prove his claim. He took us to a spot which was clear to the bottom and we saw hundreds of the biggest bass and catfish we have ever seen outside of a professional aquarium. Ray got the bug and inside of 30 minutes we had fresh minnows and enthusiam which met with great results. I thought this would be the best ending for a really great day, but no, the real story now begins. We fished until 1 hour before sundown and decided to take the boat out of the water, in the process of retriving the trailer, both side rails came off and I had no reference point for driving the boat onto the trailer, so with much work and exasperation, I finally managed it with a lot of cranking and pushing, this trailer has no rollers. While breathing a sign of relief that this part was over, I noticed a loud noise in the ramp next to me and saw a boater lifing his still running outdrive out of the water making me think this will be the end of his impeller, as I looked I noticed he had no propeller, I asked him how he mangaged to trailer a boat without a propeller making me feel bad about my stuggle and he gave me this blank stare. After much pointing he finally stopped tormenting his impeller and took a look with disbelif that his propeller was gone. None of us could beleave this was possible and he didn't even try to find it. Well, I got in my truck to pull out the boat and guess what, the wheels would only spin, no forward motion at all. A 300 pound friend tried adding his weight and with no success and maybe another 30 mins. we managed a small army of friends to try everthing possible to ge this rig moving, no success, we finally got a truch to attach a chain and pull us out, then, just as we reached a place where my rig could do its job and putting on the emergency brake, we finished up the usual and were ready to get home, now the emergency brake will not release. We tried everything and could not get that thing to release, so guess what I had to do. Yes, leave it engaged and drive home. It is now in the shop.<br />When does the expense and pain stop for a few moments of RR?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Saturday fun

Originally posted by kinsmen:<br /> <br />When does the expense and pain stop for a few moments of RR? <br />
:D :D :D <br /><br />kinsmen, where is this mysterious lake that is clear to the bottom & filled with hundreds of huge bass & catfish?

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Saturday fun

Originally posted by kinsmen:<br /> When does the expense and pain stop for a few moments of RR?
Actually, it doesn't.<br /><br />You just have to bear in mind that 'every day is an adventure' when you're out having fun-- <br /><br />--be it on the lake, at hunting camp, flying your own plane, entering something in a organized race, etc.