Re: Salvage 1978 Evinrude
V-Bass,<br /><br />I make my living fixing outboards - my expertise puts food in my family's mouth and provides fun and recreation for my customers. If you had walked into my shop and asked the same question, you would have gotten the same answer. As a service professional I have not only a legal, but a moral requirement to do what's right. You can still hurt yourself. I've seen the aftermath of boating accidents, it is NOT pretty. I understand why you might like to get another year out of it, but I'm here to tell ya' it ain't worth it. If anyone gave you the go-ahead to make the fix you propose, they too are assuming some of the legal responsibility - give their name (not mine) to your family for the lawsuits that follow.<br /><br />Dude, you do what you feel you have to, I'm not trying to "pick a fight", but you got my professional advice - I don't "mother" to nobody. <br /><br />-John<br /><br />I will make no more replies to this thread.