Ya ought to talk the wife into checking the area out around september Come to think of it then ya could also pop in at the gettogether. Sorry no help on your question.
thats right! iboats is planning a get together up there... it would be an easy run for me to get there..guess maybe Ill drag old flashback up there and catch up with yu guys........
Thanks Bubbakat, I have an old oday 27 sailboat and an old 21 ft Chriscraft so I guess you could say I like the best of both worlds. I am not that familiar with watts bar but it seems like just the place to have a boat. you can get anywhere from there. Do you know what the average depth is? my sailboat draws about 4 1/2 feet and I know they lower the lake in the winter...
If you contact Robert Bennett at Arrowhead Marine, Spring City, TN, I am sure you will be able to get all the information about the lake, also, a map. He is on Watts Bar, just off the main channel.