Safe gas oil mix ratio for testing purposes Ted Williams outboard.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 9, 2012
I picked up a small used outboard today. I know it is a Sears Ted Williams 4.5hp or less. The actual model number is not legible (another thread for that). The guy that sold it to me said Dad always mixed the oil at 16 ounces per 6 gallons of gas. Now if I have done the math correctly that is 48-1. Some years back I owned a late 70's Eska and I seem to recall the mix being a tad richer. This motor has to be older than the one I sold (metal gas tank, no plastic).

I just want to run it in a barrel at low to mid throttle for an extended period of time to make sure it is really as good as it looked in his barrel. I will rely on the answers from the id thread for the final mix. What can I use to do no harm?


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Safe gas oil mix ratio for testing purposes Ted Williams outboard.

OBs have been 50:1 since the 1960's. Ted williams motors are not older than that, so the 16 oz formula sounds right.

Running it at low throttle in a barrel is OK. Mid throttle isn't a good idea. Extended periods at any setting isn't a good idea. Eventually the water will get too hot for proper cooling and it'll also build up with a heavy slick of unburned oil.

Put her on the boat and run away.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Safe gas oil mix ratio for testing purposes Ted Williams outboard.

I think Ted Williams like some Sears engines were built by McCullough who bought out Scott Attwater way back there. As a kid dad had a 10 hp Scott.

Mc was one of the pioneers in low oil ratio's so I wouldn't be surprised that your 50:1 isn't correct. Remembering in 1965 I was in a dealer one day and remember seeing 8 oz cans of 2 cycle engine oil. One was in a yellow can and the other red. I think the yellow was for mixing 50:1 and the red for 100:1. Don't know what they put in the oil to get it to lube adequately for a lot of 24:1 engines that were running back then but it was for sale. Don't remember if I tried any of it or not. Besides, if the PO ran that mix and it still runs great then so be it.



Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 9, 2012
Re: Safe gas oil mix ratio for testing purposes Ted Williams outboard.

The best information I have located says:

1959-1969 Elgin. Sears, Ted Williams made by McCulloch code 574.
1968-1986 Sears, Ted Williams, Gamefisher made by Eska 217. code