rusted valves do i replace them or leave it alone - brand new engine. pictures here!!


Jun 10, 2008
Ok here is the background I have a brand new 4.3 that I put in my boat it ran great for the first 2 runs then it developed a ticking noise that you can hear at idol I took to mechanic he did compression check and some other stuff said don?t worry too much about it. Not rod nock etc . then I called the guy that sold engine he came over and did some tests and determined that it was something ticking in cylinder 3 and he would get me a new engine if I pulled it for a swap. He determined where the sound was coming from by loosening the rocker arms till there was no compression on number 3 and the noise went away.
So I was getting the engine ready to pull out again and took off the manifolds to discover that there is rust in each of the ports minus port number 1 and number 6 the worse one being number 3 which you can see in the pictures I have attached.
I assume the joint between the manifold and the riser must have failed as the manifolds are only a year old when I put the new engine in I left the risers hooked to the manifolds so I only replaced the gasket on the manifold. Now Im in a bit of a pickle im sure if I bring the block to the guy to be replaced he is going to look at it and say no way because of the rust so I don?t want to pull the engine just to have to put it back in .
Is there a way to clean the rust without pulling the head off? Or if not how big of a job is it to pull the head while in the boat and clean the rust around the exhaust valve then reassemble or replace the worst valve and go from there. Or just leave it alone and redo the manifolds so it doesn?t leak again.
Is there any other way for water to get into the exhaust like it did something that may be covered by the warranty? Then I will still drop it off to the guy and see what he says

Any advice would be a big help I don?t want to loose the whole new engine but it still runs I just don?t want to make it worse by running it if it is a easy fix.

Please post opinions

The first and 2nd picture is 2 4 6 cylinder side picture is
3rd picture is number 6
4th is 4 5th is 2
#6 is cylinder 1
#7 is cylinder 3
Number 8 is cylinder 5

this is the worst one and the one that is making the clicking sound
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Aug 16, 2009
Re: rusted valves do i replace them or leave it alone - brand new engine. pictures he

Hi there, first of all removing the cylinder head is very simple!

Take your time and keep bolts and parts in order and label them. Pull off the cylinder head you believe is the culprit, dismantle it, pressure wash it, brush the valve guides clean, glassbead the valves, check for abnormal wear, use a quality assembly lube before installing the valves (I personally reccomend GM E.O.S., obtained through any dealer) then re-install the head after you've cleaned the block deck and cylinder head duck free of all gasket material and oil and re-assemble.


Find someone to do a leak down test to confirm that may be a problem

---Rust doesn't always mean something bad is going on - a tick could be a lifter that isn't pumped up, an improperly adjusted rocker arm, an exhaust leak etc...

Buy a mechanics stethoscope and try to isolate the noise.

These are very simply motors and if you know what a wrench is your more than capable of doing this yourself.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 5, 2009
Re: rusted valves do i replace them or leave it alone - brand new engine. pictures he

Don't bother. The cause of the tick may or may not have been caused by the water. #3 is the center cylinder and most directly below the exhaust port of the manifold and generally is the one to show any water getting into the manifold.

The guy that sold you the engine sounds like a very good mechanic and would be very aware of cause and effect. 2 runs and low engine hours isn't going to cause a lot of damage.

Personally, I think the first mechanic was probably right and not to be concerned at this the exhaust manifold/riser joint(if you don't have the one piece manifolds)

If the engine guy is willing to replace the engine, it could be he suspects a cam lobe is wearing excessively or the lifter is defective. He would have more history of engine failure causes than most.

Get it changed.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: rusted valves do i replace them or leave it alone - brand new engine. pictures he

Any advice would be a big help I don?t want to loose the whole new engine but it still runs I just don?t want to make it worse by running it if it is a easy fix.

Ayuh,... It sounds like you probably Found the Problem,...

I'd call your motor Builder,+ Tell him,...Talk about it, Don't tryin' Hide it,..
I'd throw on a set of New manifolds,+ Light it,...
That crap will burn out in a short time of runnin' Dry...