Re: Running Temp and Oil Pressure on a 454?
10 psi oil at idle good. 35-40 at WOT is OK. Oil pressure will drop as oil warms up. What viscosity are you using? 30w is too low. Temp gauges on boats are notoriously inaccurate, but should be the same area every time.
Wow you really think 30w is too low? All the marines i spoke with advised 25w....the previous owner advised 5w! It does seem to be consistent but ran into some issues tonight.
See we JUST had the impeller and housing replaced...we let a mechanic buddy of ours do it since he said he's done boats before...but heres what happened...
The first time we took it out...after running it for about a mile or so we cut it to do some fishing...20 minutes later the BILGE kicks on and spits out water! So we lift the hatch and look in...we hear DRIPS of water...but see nothing bad we head back to the dock....get 1/2 way there and end up having to tow someone in (a lady and her 2 kids) cause THEY stalled lol....but the temp held at dead center (175 i found out tonight) the full time.
We pull the plug after getting the boat out and water came pouring out, when before this work was done NOTHING would ever come out.
So we took the boat home, hooked up the hose and checked for leaks, but found we changed the plug and checked our prop to make sure it was good and took it to the lake tonight...and thats when the fun started.
Started up and rose to 175 as usual. Started heading out real slow, about 1/2 miles from the dock and all the sudden the temp starting rising FAST. It went to 3/4 in just a few seconds (about 225) so we cut the motor. Checked for leaks again and saw nothing. I ended up having to swim and pull this big bit** in (24 ft 4 ton boat).
SOOO here is what we THINK know how the impeller has to be twisted counter-clockewise when put into the housing? Well we THINK the guy put it in backwards...and that when we went out the FIRST time, that it pushed whatever water was in the motor still out into the engine compartment...and then when we took it out tonight it was pulling in no water, thus overheating so quickly. Either that or he FLIPPED the 2 hoses that connect to the Sea Water Pump housing.
What are your thoughts on that?