Runaway Boat


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 20, 2003
This happened a while back. Me and my brother were riding around in my wooden skiff with a twenty five yamaha. Its old and noisy so its hard to hear. My brother is crazy and wanted to jump off the boat while it was moving. I misunderstood him and thought he wanted me to jump off. I said okay and jumped. But he jumped too. So now we have a runaway skiff. We were close to the pier so we swam in and got the Boston whaler to chase after it. The skiff was heading out into the bay so I punched it. we were flying alon about to catch it until the old johnson spudders and dies. Its outta gas. Not to worry we have a 2nd 6 gallon tank. Hook it up prime it and start, away we go. We finally catch up to it and its still running wide open. My brother jumps in it and turns it around to go home. But now the skiff has run out of gas so we have to tow it home with the whaler.


Jul 15, 2002
Re: Runaway Boat

Was anyone around to see this?<br /><br />If I saw a boat going along and both poeple just jumped off, I would have a very confused look on my face.