rude question


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 24, 2003
i've got a 1994 vision 185t with a 1999 rude 175 ficht. running a 24 raker with a 6" jackplate at 68 mph {gps}. i've adjusted jackplate all the way up and down and can only get 5200 out of her. motor was bought new last month, has been on shelf for 4 years. is under dealer warrenty so i was wondering if they might have adjusted the stop screw on the throttle so i couldn't open it all the way up or is this all this motor will turn. shouldn't it be able to turn more than 5200 with a 24 raker?? will low rpm's hurt motor in the long run?? thanks for any help.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: rude question

I would say you are over propped. A 19"-22" sounds more reasonable and would get your RPM's up to where they need to be. It will hurt your engine in the long run to lug it at lower RPM's. I would drop down to the 19". (if everything else is right) to get the RPM's around 5700 where they run best. Are you sure the motor is high enough?? Could be that the motor is not running to it's full potential, too.


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 24, 2003
Re: rude question

a 19" is a little too low for a 175. i would be dropping in the high 50's in mph. a 24" to 26" is what is recommened for a 175. do you think it might run better once break in has been complete?