RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
I have a 1976 Ranger bass boat and my motor the Evinrude 115 1977. WOT should be 5300 to 5600 rpm. My motor starts/runs good, but during excelleration it runs from about 3000 to 42-4600 and wont go any more? Why does/would it run to 42 or 46 and not just gradualy excellerate as I throttle? I am running a 13&3/4 inch w 15 pitch. Is the pitch wrong? I understand if I lower the pitch it will increase the RPM? Should I switch to a four blade and drop pitch to a 13? Could the running of the rpm be a possible carb problem and I am looking in the wrong direction?


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

It almost sounds like youre losing a cylinder and then it cuts in. Start with the basics. Check compression and then if that's OK, check spark.<br /><br />If those are both OK, lets look at the carbs. Once we're sure we have the motor running correctly we'll go after rpm. For longest life the motor should be set up at 5800 with an average load.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Did the engine ever run 5300 - 5600 before? If it did, then changing the prop is not going to solve the problem. Make sure the tach is correct. Then start with a good engine and fuel system tune up. Do a spark check to make sure you have good spark on all cylinders. check the fuel lines for air leaks restrictions. If the carbs have not been rebuilt in the last few years they are probably overdue. Lowering pitch will raise rpm but you need to make sure the engine is performing properly first. If you intend to service your engine yourself, do yourself a huge favor and buy a service manual.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Little history Flathead....has the engine just started this or has it always had the low rpms? Does the idle rpms' look OK?...<br /><br />I suggest you find out if the rpm reading is true before using it anymore since running it at such a low rpm would really be lugging the engine.<br /><br />Some causes could be...dropping a cylinder, bad charging system (rectifier), possibly the prop but don't know the history of the engine to go there yet. Could even be poor connections on the tach or a bad tach.....<br /><br />Give us a little history and we can go from there.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Geez....super typers gettin' in there first..... :D :D But at least everybody is in the ballpark.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Super typer? That's a real upgrade from being a hunt-n-pecker. Thanks!!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Sorry about that obj. I have had the boat and motor one year in April. The motor has always raced to at the most 5200rpm in the begining. It idles nice but could be a little rough (idle speed 750rpm). New tach (Teleflex) just installed. Readings seem accurate, but that is why I bought a new one due to thinking the old OMC tach was shot and I thought those readings were off. I live in Gilber AZ and bought this 1976 Ranger bass boat from Spicewood TX.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

I hate to ask but, what does dropping a cylindar mean? What would be symptoms of dropping a cylindar?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Dropping a cylinder is slang (mostly used by us upitty wrenchs') to describe maybe losing spark to a cylinder, or losing compression in one. That's why the other guys suggested checking the compression and spark. Losing either will show up as a reduction in rpm.<br /><br />Still, 5200 ain't a lot for that engine. It really needs to get up above 5500rpm at WOT.<br /><br />Since you have owned the rig, what kinda maint. have you done.....carb overhauls, changing out water pump impellers....the like.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Thank you OBJ. I have put the right sparkplugs in it, due to the guy I bought it from used the wrong ones. Didnt find that out for a couple of trips. I have changed the lower unit gear lube, sprayed the carbs with carb cleaner, and replaced the starter syllenoid. As for the water pump impellers the owner who sold it to me said he changed it and tuned it up/serviced it (wrong spark plugs!!). All of the heads have 140 written on them would/was that be the compression. Would you know what compression I should be at/arround? I just ordered the Service manual for my motor, and I did buy the boat from performance ourboards.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Good going on the service manual....hope it was an OEM manual. So much more in a manual that is specific for your engine.<br /><br />140 on the heads probably mean compression but how long ago was the readings taken????? Get a new set. This will tell you a lot about the engines condition and can be used for future reference. Generally, 90psi and above is considered good compression. More importantly though, the compression on each cylinder should be within 10 to 15% of each other.<br /><br />Just spraying the carbs with carb cleaner don't do much other than make the carbs nice to look at.....no pun intended. Look at the gasket between the bowl and the carb body. If it's black in color, either the carbs have never been rebuilt or a generic kit was used a long time ago. A carb overhaul is not difficult and OEM kits give you everything you need. If the gasket is a reddish brown color, they have been overhauled...but hard to say when.<br /><br />What kind of shape are the fuel lines in? Soft and plyable or hard? Hard lines can lose there grip on connection points and can suck air. Check them out.<br /><br />Water pump....well, if the alarm hasn't come on....if it's still working....then I would assume that the impeller is still pumping water. On the other hand, a cold engine is not good for the engine. Basic test for engine temp....if you can lay your fingers on the flat areas on top of the head, with the engine at idle and warmed up, for several seconds...engine temp should be good.<br /><br />Suppose I've given you enough to think about for now....feel free to post any questions here on the forums that come to mind. Lot of good folks here that can help.


Chief Petty Officer
May 1, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Flathead, I have the OEM manual for that motor (85/115hp). Holler at me if you need any specifics until you get your book.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Thanks OBJ and mikeyzx2. I purchased the pre-1980 Evinrude factory outboard motor owners and service manual. Do you mean by "get a new set" heads?<br /><br />As for the carbs the gasket is redish brown and looks quite new, but it has gas residue all over them. We did have a problem with it flooding previously and the screws over the bowls were almost coming out and then gas was all over them then? <br /><br />Fuel lines meaning the ones from the gas tank to the motor are quite new 1yr and quite plyable. Dosent seem to leak when I squeeze the bulb or anything. I do plan on replacing the inline fuel filter. While I was looking at the intrnal fuel lines, on the bottom of the air intake cover seems to be a fuel line that connects to the bottom of the engine block. This does seem to have a crack and leak. This seems to possibly be a carb overflow reservoir maybe? Mikeyzx2 can you help me with this one?<br /><br />P.S. Should a 115hp motor only get you going at 32mph WOT? WOT although with my motor seems to only be 42-4800 rpm.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Its a fiberglass 1976 Ranger Bass Boat 175-A 17.5'.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

A "new set" means get a current set of compression readings. Write them down and save them.<br /><br />Gas residue on the float bowl gaskets is normal.<br /><br />Check the fuel lines to the pump and from the pump to the carbs.<br /><br />The little hose from the carb cover to the bottom of the block drains whatever fuel falls to the bottom of the carb cover back to the block. If it leaks, replace it.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

I will let you know the results from the compression test. Thanks again for the helpful information.


Chief Petty Officer
May 1, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Hey Flathead.....<br /><br />OBJ answered the hose question, I actually had it backwards in my head. I was thinking residual oil and fuel vapors were drawn back to silencer and back in through carbs when running. But that's cool, I learn something new every day. :D <br /><br />I would think that you'd be a little faster than that at WOT, but that depends on hull type of boat and what kind of load. My 85hp, which is mounted on a 1980 Astroglass 17ft bassboat, was going about that fast and it wasn't even running right. I think we're talking in the 40-45 range if set up right, running strong, and average load with that 115.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Thanks for the reply. I found a leak in the fuel line near the carb. Havent gotte out to try it yet!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

Went out Friday thru Sunday and the boat reached 40 MPH but I am only getting 5000 RPM at WOT? Do I just need to get a new prop with a larger diameter and less pitch?


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: RPM/WOT Evinrude 115 1977

The numbers dont add up. With a 15" prop at 5000 rpm top speed, in theory, is 36 mph with 0% slip. If youre really and truly going 40, I might suspect that the tach is wrong. <br /><br />And if youre really and truly going 40 with a 15" prop you'll be turning about 6000 rpm. With 7-8% slip. Thats pretty darn good.<br /><br />Dont throw money at a prop yet. We gotta get your baseline squared away. Make sure the tach is set on position 6.