Recently I had my outboard engine revised, there's new high speed needle in the carb. When I went for a test ride with my boat, everything went fine, full rpm in reverse and forward, however, if I let it idle in neutral and I decide to go further again and I put it in forward, it refuses to make the usual rpm at full throttle and runs very slowly. This also happens when I have it in forward at slow speed for a few minutes, when I give full throttle. nothing happens, it keeps running slow. Sometimes it "gets over" it and then I hear a few little bangs in the engine, like the clutch is getting grip and then the engine runs fine again. But I don't know how a reversing gear works, so I don't know if this works with clutch plates (like in a car). So I don't know, if this can be the cause that it sometimes doesn't want to give full rpm at full throttle. It runs fine in neutral and in reverse. Only the forward gear is giving me troubles sometimes.<br />And if I leave the engine alone for a day and I start it the next day, everything goes fine again.<br />Who is familiar with this kind of troubles?