rpm/fuel problem?


Jun 10, 2007
I am new to the Mercruiser 3.0 and I am having a problem I hope you can help with. My boat is a 1999 mercruiser 3.0 i/o with what I believe is a mechanical fuel pump. I have already looked at my vent line and believe it is fine. I comes up from the fuel tank in a nice gentle arch.

I bought my boat in the fall, I took it out in march and it ran fine. When I had it out in March I had about half a tank of gas. I put in stable and ran it for a while, all was OK

Last week I had problems with the motor sputtering and running rather crappy, I figured bad gas. I put in choke and carb gas additive and filled my tank with 14 gallons of fresh gas. I got the boat out on the lake and after a stubborn time getting it started( assumed I had to get the old bad gas out of the line) the boat seemed to run fine.

I had the boat running at about 3800 RPM 44 MPH, all was good and then all of a sudden It slowed by 300 rpm to 38 MPH just as if I had pulled back on the throttle . a few minutes later it totally died as if it were shut off. I turned the key and it started right back up. this series of events continued. sometimes it would slow to the point of 15 mph with the throttle all the way foward. the wierd thing is that while it is slowing the motor sounds fine, no sputtering or unevenness. Please help
I was looking at the mechanical fuel pump and it looks like there is a bowl with some sort of safety wired locking screw on it ,,, is this the fuel filter housing
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Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: rpm/fuel problem?

Sounds like water in your fuel......
Did you change the water separating fuel filter?....
Looks like an oil filter?.......
Welcome to iboats, btw.......:)

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: rpm/fuel problem?

There is a fuel filter in the pump, and one in the carb. On a boat, you should consider installing a fuel filter water seperator between the fuel tank and the fuel pump to keep the pump and carb filters clean.

Might want to try this.


Dec 8, 2006
Re: rpm/fuel problem?

I'm lost; he said he had a glass bowl. Is that marine?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: rpm/fuel problem?

I was looking at the mechanical fuel pump and it looks like there is a bowl with some sort of safety wired locking screw on it ,,, is this the fuel filter housing

Nope,........ No Glass,..... Steel I believe.....

Typical 3.0l Fuelpump,.....
Some have the Filter Up,+ Some are pointed Down....
Some with Rock filters,... Some with Paper,+ Metal filters........

Adding a Spin-On Filter is a Great Idea........


Jun 10, 2007
Re: rpm/fuel problem?

Well I checked the small in line fuel filter that is mounted mounted where the fuel line attaches to the carberatorand it was spotless. I guess I now need to pull the fuel filter mounted to the fuel pump itself.
Today I tried to start the motor and it is still being very dificult. I need to push in the center button on the trottle lever and then pump the throttle lever 3 or 4 times, then with the lever reatarded to about the 10 oclock position I turn the key. the motor starts right up run for a second and then dies. Would this still be a water in the fuel typ indication? or possibly something more serious. It almost seems as is the fuel pump is not pushing fuel to the carb unless I am manually puming it. Is ther a way to check fuel pump output?