Routing & loops in control cables


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Okay, got my control cables and control mounted on the Texas Maid aluminum runabout restoration project. This 15-foot V-hull boat has twin Johnson FD-11's mounted on the transom. A dual-outboard Johnson shipmaster control is mounted on the starboard gunwhale just aft of the steering wheel, at the pilot's right arm. Had no trouble routing two 13-foot cables (throttle/shift for starboard motor) and one 15-foot cable (shift for port motor), but the 15-foot throttle cable to the port motor wants to bind. I've lubed the control levers and the throttle linkage on the port motor. The cables run down and under the starboard gunwhale from the control to the splashwell and the out the gunwhale port/hole. Then they make a simple loop to the motor connections, except the port motor throttle cable. When it lies in the splashwell like the others, it won't make a clean loop back to the throttle connection. So, I'm thinking maybe route this cable up under the splashwell so it loops across the width of the transom and then loops up to the port throttle connection over by the port gunwhale. Everything I read says no S-curves in the cables. Anyone have experience routing the longest/farthest-reaching cable on a dual-outboard setup? The 15-foot cable has plenty of reach...problem is getting a loop without twisting the cable. Don't want to move the motors closer together, or do I? They are about 15 inches apart right now...measuring distance between transom clamps.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Routing & loops in control cables

get a 16 ft cable they don't like sharp bends.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Routing & loops in control cables

Solved the problem today. Took the cables off the outboards, undid all my cable fastening along the gunwhale and worked the cables out right. The 15-foot cable to the port side of the port outboard works now, it comes through the gunwhale/splashwell port and then loops out in front of the splashwell and over to the throttle on the port outboard. Der! Don't know why I didn't see that yesterday when it felt like was binding. Will just have to work around that cable when fishing. I'll try to post some pix of this project tomorrow when I get back to the shop. Thanks for the help TD, I'm considering a longer cable, say 14 feet, for the throttle control on the starboard has the tightest loop of all four cables, about 15 inches. That may be one of the final refinements.