Re: Rolling Newspapers to burn as logs
I will say this, it takes forever to make just one log. The tray underneath is filled with water to wet the paper to make it stick to istself. Paper absorbs the water, gotta fill the tray again, roll up some more, fill the tray. I do agree with heycods on this. Then to get the air pockets and wrinkles out. Then after your done, you need to wait for the logs to then dry out.<br /><br />BTW, I've seen less fancy ones for under 20 bucks.<br /><br />Link, my brother bought one about 20 years ago. He knew I was moving to where he lives. He had all his friends save their papers. By the time I was going to roll up his newspapers, he had one side of his garage full of paper. That was 6 pickup loads. I know because I ended up hauling the rest to the recycler. Nope, I won't do it again and plus the heat from them wasn't all that great. There is some neat colors that come off of them which is purdy and they don't have that nice woodsey smell when burning.<br /><br />Good luck friend, its yer choice.