Rodbolt, I've finished breaking the motor in and have a little over 10hrs on the motor. The problem is that the initial maintance charge in my area is $200. Most of the things listed in my owners manual that came with the motor, I can do myself except for these things:<br />1. Battery - inspections (says owner can do) / charging (says dealer must do) Umm, why can't I and how would I?<br />2. Idling Speed - Inspection (says owner or dealer can do this one if I'm reading my manual correctly.) What would I need to do this procedure? Would my tach on my dash work for that?<br />3. Oil Pump - Inspection/Adjustment Manual says only the dealer can do. Is that correct?<br />4. Oil Tank Water Drain - Inspection (says can be done by owner) / Cleaning (says to be done by dealer)<br />Are all of these things doable by me? If so how and what do I need? <br /><br />PS. I can't find a repair/maintenance manual on my motor yet.