Rinker with 120xr


Sep 27, 2010
I just wanted to say thanks for all the info on this site. I have read through allot of the posts just to get an idea of some of the issues with these sport jet engines. With info from this site I was able to go to Lowe's and buy the parts needed to hook up to hose and run it out of the water!

I did own a Bayliner Jazz when they first came out with the 90 and sold it many years ago. I recently purchased a 96 Rinker Rocket with the 120 XR, the engine was locked up solid, it had been sitting for four years and the plug was left in and the back had been filled with water, but was able to get it all apart and find parts and gaskets. I was surprised how easy they are to work on, so far all my electronics have been good the engine runs like a champ now. I had to do all the typical stuff like rebuild the carbs, replace all the fuel lines, drain and flush the tank, clean up all the electrical connections, new key switch, after I got the powerhead back together.

I have no issues with starting, I bought a big marine battery and used 1/0 cable for both the ground and positive, along with a new starter solenoid. I have the idle mixture screws two turns out and have also added a primer bulb on the fuel line. For those of you with fuel pump problems I replaced my whole assembly due to it being full of rust with one off a force 90 outboard, they seem to be all the same even though the part numbers vary. Also for the fuel bowl gaskets I cut my own from a sheet of 1/16 cork gasket material.

I have had it out a few times running it slow and this weekend really put it to the test. It planes out fast and from the speedo on the dash says 44mph with 3/4 tank of gas, me and my two kids in it. I still run the oil injection unit and have set it based on the marks for idle and full throttle. Just to be safe though I add a little synthetic 2 stroke oil in the gas tank, I may not do this long term but figured it would not hurt to bring the mixture around 32-1 for awhile.

I am happy with the performance and speed, for the little bit of time and money I spent this things a blast.