I have a 25hp '74 johnson. After running, if I take the cover off I have a small collection of fuel in the rear of the motor under the plugs. I also notice a lot of oil residue in the water when I shut it down and even just lower it back in the water. (I'm duck hunting, so I'm out in the water when setting up/wrapping up etc.) Is this coming from the exhaust and is fuel that is not being burned? Tonite it also had a little surge in it when running at WOT. It ran great, but would do 2-3 second burst of like hitting another gear. It does seem just a bit slower at WOT than it had. This is still a new motor to me so trying to feel it out. I can take it back where I bought it after the season if you guys think it's something seriously needing fixing.
If I'm mixing the oil a little to rich, would that cause it to surge?
If I'm mixing the oil a little to rich, would that cause it to surge?