Revisiting Decarbonization


Oct 30, 2007
Although I've been around longer than I wish to remember, I'm new to this site and because I do as much maintenance to my outboards as possible, I am reading with great interest the topics on decarbonization. As one would expect, there are a variety of opinions as to "how to do it"

For years I have used Carbon Guard during the season and OMC Engine Tuner and Fogging Oil to winterize. However, I began to feel unsure when OMC changed the Tuner formula and instructions.

Since I am familiar with Seafoam and its effectiveness, I probably will follow Cap't Dunkelberger's routine, but there are at least two things I would like an answer to"

1. The instructions say to mix 16 oz Seafoam with 3/4 gallon of gasoline and run for several 15 minute intervals. Well, I have a 175 carb model (1998) which drinks fuel like a thirsty camel (done this since new)-----so, should I simply mix a greater quantity ?

2. A few of the replies indicated that some kind of clogging problem occured after cleaning-----some sounded serious. This kind of scares me and I wonder if anyone can tell if these are just isolated incidents and that the great majority of you folks have no problems.

Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.


Jul 12, 2006
Re: Revisiting Decarbonization

For #1 - mix a bigger batch.

#2 - The only time you're going to have problems with clogging is if you've allowed some varnish to accumulate in the fuel system. Varnish can accumulate in the pump, lines, wherever. For the most part, the ethanol in today's gas will break all that up. That being said, sometimes the seafoam is a little more effective at breaking down the big clumps of goo that the ethanol couldn't break apart. If you use your engine regularly you won't have a problem.

You should also consider mixing seafoam at 1oz/gal (or whatever the can says) as part of your normal fuel mix to maintain clean carbs.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 31, 2005
Re: Revisiting Decarbonization

We don't get Seafoam here in South Africa, but I can report that I used the type of Carb cleaner that's advertised as "Add this can to a tank of gas" with great success using the same ratios and method as described here. No problem what so ever. The results also coincided with what was reported. Lots and lots of white smoke.