Retired 5 months now. Retired early (58) for health concerns. Rotating shiftwork was killing me & no chance of getting off shift work, I love being on regular sleep and fishing whenever I want.. But something is seriously missing. Money isn't the issue. Perhaps we messed up the way we did it. Sold our main home, sold our vacation home, retired from work, moved into a new home 400 miles away in a retirement neighborhood (full of older people) all within 3 weeks. We do not relate to the older people in our neighborhood, who all have been warm & welcoming (my wife is only 51).. We have both worked fullltime since we were out of school. Just don't know what to do with ourselves. Guess retirement sounded better than it actually is.. Thought about getting part time jobs for mental well being, but don't know if that's the answer. Wonder if this is all normal. Hope we are just going thru an adjustment period- although feel like we are failing....