residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp


Feb 3, 2004
I have a 69 Johnson 40 HP manual shift. I rebuilt the gear system in the lower unit, charged it will oil and let it sit while I worked on the power head. Now that I have the power head working (and running excellent i might add)--I hooked it up to the water and it performed flawlessly. Until I turned the water off - these gritty, dark semi-oil based residues started coming out of vent holes in the lower unit. I thought it maybe gearcase oil, but i drained that and it looks fine - there is just much less oil that came out as i put in originally. Is there an o ring i forgot about or are these residues just the crap thats been in there and left for so long? Help - wanna go fishin!


Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

More than likely, it is exhaust residue.<br /><br />Was the L/U fluid milky?


Feb 3, 2004
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

DJ: Nope, the Lower unit fluid was brown - looked just like when i put it in. However, there just wasn't that much of it, maybe a few ounces, when i put in almost a pint. Where did it go? it doesn't leak on the outside. I used a spaghetti seal and silicon to make sure of that.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 1, 2003
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

What about the propshaft seal? Let it sit overnight and than check for leaks.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

Maybe a pressure and vacuum test will tell you where it went bdub...If the seals are not installed back to back, this could be a problem. Put the tests' to it and see whats' up. And geeee....I hate to hear the word silicon in relation to an outboard. The stuff just don't hold up to oil and fuel. What ya' need to use is a good gasket sealer on the spagettii seal.....just my .02 cents worth.


Feb 3, 2004
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

OBJ: Just a general term I use for sealant. I used 3M marine grade gasket sealer. Can you elaborate on the propshaft seal. I had to replace a metal part with an inner and outer o ring when I rebuilt the lower unit. Is there another o ring that i missed. I am gonna have to do it again soon because the damn clutch dog keeps coming apart and not engaging. The linkage is good, its just that tricky wish bone part. Any help to fix that problem as well?


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

Bdub.....Only one o-ring that I know off. This fits over the oil seal retainer ring. That's the big ring closest to the prop that that big o-ring fit over. Inside the metal ring is a seal...the original was a two lip seal. The original part number was 313285. This seal was supperceded by PN 302564. Don't know if this is a two lip seal or not. If you fit an o-ring inside the retainer to fit the prop shaft, that's probably where the oil is going. Ya' better have another look. If memeory serves, there may be two holes in the face of the ring to facilitate removing the old seal with a punch. <br /><br />The best way to get the shift yoke in is to assemble the lower unit upside down. This will keep everything in place until the lower half of the gear case is put in place and the shift yoke retainer screw is in place.<br /><br />Keep us posted....thanks.

Bass Runner

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 2, 2004
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

When you rebuilt the lower unit did you replace the water pump? I had one self distruct and did the same thing you discribed, when I pulled the lower unit to check the waterpump only had one blade left on it (looked like something ate the rest) Just a thought hope this helps.


Feb 3, 2004
Re: residues coming out of 69 johnson 40 hp

okay, i have taken the lower unit apart and put it back together again - the shift cradle had come loose. After i put it back together, the damn thing will still not go into gear. Engine runs fine, but no engagement of the propeller. This outboard has been wrecked, the body panels do not fit just right and the o.b. leans to the left. I am curious if it maybe the drive shaft. Another possible problem is the clutch dog. How long are the engagement teeth supposed to be anyway? OBJ you're the man! Anxiously waiting.