Re: replacing coils on 77 johnson 35 hp
Hello Joe,
here's a better description of what's happening: runs well out of the no-wake zone, throttles up fine through the whole range all the way to WOT. At this point, when the engine is still relatively cold, it runs fine in the mid-range. After running WOT for a while, then throttling back, it does well in no-wake speeds, but then if I throttle to mid-range, it runs fine for about a minute, then begins to stall. It doesn't always die when it stalls, but ultimately does. When this starts happening, I restart the engine, and again it runs fine in no-wake speeds and high end, but mid-range has problems. It doesn't strike me as a fuel delivery problem as I have replaced the inline filter, cleaned the carb, checked that the tank vent is open and can start it after it dies on the first crank without re-priming the bulb.