Replacing bunks with boat on trailer (too far to get to lift or splash)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 25, 2009
ok, boat and trailer have been out of the water since at least 2013, and the bunks are shot. Since I live about 40 miles from the nearest water to splash the boat (finishing rebuild), I would like to replace the rotten bunks with new wood before towing a longer distance. (the wood is REALLY bad on one side and I dont want it to fail halfway there and punch a hole in the hull)

What would be a good way to get the hull up about an inch or two above the bunk to slide the old one out, and the new one in? A jack and a pad under a strake to spread the weight, and keep it from slipping?

boat is a little 16 foot bowrider with a 120 I/O Mercruiser in it.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
Pull boat back about a foot or more on the trailer.----Raise and block up the transom.------Use a jack to raise front of the boat.----Replace bunks.---Done.