O kay time to replace bunks on my roadrunner trailer. The bunks are currently 2x4's wrapped in carpet I plan on using the same thing. What kind of screws or lag bolts do I use to properly secure them? Any tips on making this easier?
Use either pine treated for below ground or cypress 2x4's, run the top edge through a table saw to match the angle of your hull, use stainless steel staples for the marine grade carpet, and use as much stainless steel as you want to afford for the hardware (bolts with nylox nuts). Always use antiseize or some type of thread lubricant on stainless bolts/nuts as they can seize up very easily.
When my bunks started floating away one day after launching I secured 'em with bungee cords just as a "limp home" measure...about 14 months later...one day I'll get around to replacing that hardware...
This is not a recommendation for bungee cords, it is a recommendation for lock washers!
Okay got a smokin' deal on marine carpet today at lowes, reg price $6.96 sq, ft my price $.89 sq. ft.. I got 11 1/2' X 5' for $10.79 Now, they had that green treated 2x4 with like little notches in it but it was fir. Will that work? Also I plan to use 1 1/12" galvanized lags to secure them. My trailers mounting holes are maybe .350" in diameter Maybe 1/4".
Any wood will work. Treated wood is not all the same. Read the tag. Below ground will last longer than above ground treated. Lags are OK, use the largest diameter that will fit in the holes (1/4 seems light to me... ). If you think it's .350 then use 5/16...