Re: Replacing Ball Drive Seal on OMC Stern Drive:
Rebouche said:
How difficult is it to replace the outer seal around the ball gear drive shaft on a OMC 800 out drive? Boat is a 1985 Cobalt 5.7 litre. I have a drip leak coming into the bilge from that area. Rich
The intermediate housing ball gear drive shaft? (It would have to be if it is getting into your bilge...and it would make it your inner seal. (there are two seals... One keeps oil in and the other keeps water out).
Not hard at all. Remove outdrive, remove intermediate housing (after you have purchased an intemediate housing seal kit)...
Remove the 3 bolts holding the ball gear retainer on. Careful not to damage the shims. Clean all surfaces. Replace seals in question back-to-back.... More people will respond though, this was my first project on my OMC white anchor and I did not have any problems.