Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 21, 2009
Besides the obvious wrong solenoid can someone please help me with what I am doing wrong? I feel like I spent the whole afternoon trying to get this sorted out but with no luck :-( The problem is that I had a bad solenoid for bringing it up. I went out and bought a new solenoid from NAPA hoping that it would work well enough to cover me till I can get the correct one shipped out to me. Anyways I removed the old one and by the time I made it to the parts store and back I had forgotten exactly which wires went where. I know stupid mistake :-( So i hooked it all up from what I remembered but am getting no response from the switch. No up, down, clicking... Nothing! I am still able to get the motor to run by putting a wrench to the solenoids but that is it. I also replaced the plate connecting the two solenoids with the red wire shown as a temp fix. Anyways here are the pics. Please be easy on me :-(
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Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!

Is there an I and an S marking the small terminals? If so, you have the wrong type solenoid.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!

If that is the problem you are gonna make me a VERY happy person tomorrow. Yes there are I/S on the small screws. With that said could that be the full reason for the issues that I am having? Also can I still salvage my trip to the lake tomorrow with a NAPA solenoid without the I/S? Unfortunately I am very new to all this as you probably can tell... Guess I gotta learn somehow.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2009
Re: Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!

You have the wires wrong. The small red wire should be on a terminal with the other red wire that goes between the 2 silenoids,either end of it is fine. Then the blue wire that you have on the terminal with the black wire goes on the small terminal that you had the small red on.Make these 2 quick changes and it should work fine.

The small red is the hot (+) going up to your switch.The green/white small wire is hot coming back from the switch for DOWN.The blue/white small wire is the hot coming back from the switch for UP.You had the blue on ground and the red on the terminal the blue should have been on.No power to the switch.That's why you had nothing.The heavy red wire is hot straight from the battery and the heavy blue and green go straight to the motor.That's why you could jump between them and make it run.

Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!

Like Don say`s
Why is there never enough time to do it right the first time,
But always enough time to do it again?

The correct solenoid in the first place would have made your job a lot easier.
We use solenoids that have what is called "un-grounded base" and this is the reason for the small black ground wire connected to a small lug.Some auto`s use the "grounded base" (Ford types) (GM horn relays), What you need to do is find out if you ground your base will it work or if you supply a ground to the small lug.Either type used SHOULD BE MARINE/EXPLOSIVE RATED. Wouldn`t want some stray fuel vapors to ruin your day.
power trim link

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!

If it has the I and S terminals, it's a ford type solenoid. Hook your small ground wire to the base, your small yellow/red wire to the S terminal on the solenoid, and it should work.

Mischief Managed

Lieutenant Commander
Dec 6, 2005
Re: Replaced The Solenoid And Now Nothing! HELP!!!

Probably a little late, but the OEM solenoids are very easy to take apart and clean. Usually the high current contacts get coated with carbon from arcing and stop making contact. You can get the thing to work for a few more outings by cleaning up the carbon. You should replace the solenoid ASAP though, matter of fact, replace both and keep the lower one as a spare. It also happens to be the same part used as the slave solenoid in the starting system, so it can do double duty as a spare.

The base is held in place with 4 little metal tabs that are bent over the plastic housing and the 4 posts on the solendoid are simply pressed into place. They press out easily in a vice, but be careful not to break the coil wires on the small studs. Once the studs are out, they (and the contact plate) can be cleaned up with emery cloth. Polish them with 400 grit and degrease them with brake cleaner before re-assembly, if possible.

To make the new solenoids last longer, avoid running the drive all the way up to the top of the trailer position. If you can stop the trim pump before the rams reach the end of their travel, the current draw on the pump motor will be much lower when you release the trailer button and there will be much less arcing in the solenoid. Less arcing means less carbon buildup.