repair payment

tommy c

Feb 8, 2004
Hi Guy's,I'm having some work done on my boat by my marina(1st season with them)the bellows were leaking and other things replaced.I was wondering before i give them payment in full,should i or they test it in the water first?launch is very easy as it's 100 yds away,the boat is on a trailer.or should i just pay and report any problems if any? Thanks Tom


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: repair payment

You could ask for a water test. Most shops won't release the boat without getting paid - I wouldn't unless I had a long & solid relationship with the customer.

Northern Eclipse

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 24, 2003
Re: repair payment

I would insist they Test it, your paying for it, I'v seen shops do such a repair and sent it down the road, only for the customer to get stuck first time out or assume its been water tested when in fact not and had boat sink at the dock just hours after paying the big bill. Not all boat owners would know what to look for, but if you want the shop to test your boat you need to be fair to them and be sure the battery is in the boat and charged and gas in the tank. If the bellows were leaking the least they have to do is back the trailer in with boat still strapped and check is bellows has sealed.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: repair payment

Tommy,<br /><br />I would pay for and take it for a cruise immediately after. You chose this marina for a reason, and I wouldn't insult them, but I may ask them to show me the repairs and with my most interested face ask for any preventative tips. In this way you can visually inspect the work. <br /><br />Launching and taking for a run will insure that the repair to the bellows doesn't leak. And when don't you want to go for a ride in your boat??? If it leaks take it right back and there will be no arguement. I always try to build a good relationship with my mechanics. They might stand between you and a successful boating season. Most of these guys are in the industry for reasons beyond just turning a wrench, and want to do a good job. Show a little trust. But in the words of Ronald Reagan, "Trust, but verify."

tommy c

Feb 8, 2004
Re: repair payment

Thanks for the reply guy's,all good.I'm going to be at this marina all season and they seem like a good and capable bunch of guy's.I will pay in full and as pointer said go for a ride straight away.As a foot note should i ask to see the old parts if new were replaced or do most shops just dispose of them?<br />Thanks again


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: repair payment

Hey Tommy,I'm lucky when it comes to boat repair.I've been dealing the same guy since he opened and trust him.If there is any problem with leaking they should make it right.If its your bellows water may not show up right away in a water test(a very small leak).Even though I do most of my maitenence on my my own I still drive 20 miles out of way to buy spark plugs and filters from him.I'd rather give him the money than the big dealership down the road, or Canadian tire.A couple of years ago I needed to replace the boot on merc.Wanted done in a hury. The dealer 5 min from where I work wanted over 1000$ and 3 weeks to get to the job.Took it to my normal place had it done in 2 days for less 650$ I felt like sh... for even cosisidering bringing it anywhere else.Find a place you trust and stick with it.Talk to people at your marina and ask for experiences they have had.There are companys out out there that stay in buisness only because people don't know they have an alternative.If you live in southwesten Ontario let me know I'll give you name of the guy I deal with.<br /><br /><br /> Jim

tommy c

Feb 8, 2004
Re: repair payment

Hey Cuzner,thanks for the reply.I would like to develop a good relationship with my marina mechanics also(time will tell)my boat is up north on the trent,i'm from the Hamilton area.<br />thanks Tom