Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Ok ive started removing the lower unit in my 89 Force 125 i have removed the 5 bolts on the bottom and ive disconnected the shift linkage at the bottom is there a hidden bolt somewhere i need to find? some advice would be nice. thanks!


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Did you take the fin off and get the one under it?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

the one directly above the porp? Yes i think it also holds part of the exaust on right? there was 5 bolts on the bottom and then the shift linkage just above the lower unit it moves and shakes but wont drop off.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2002
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

I just did this on my 88 Force 125hp this past Saturday. On Mine there are 3 long bolts on either side of the Prop. Then there are 2 bolts that hold the exhaust snout on, then there is One bolt under this, that is hidden until you remove the Exhaust Snout.

Hope this helps.



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Ok so that has to come off... i took the big one off i cant get to the one inside... sheesh! thanks for the info ill let ya know how it goes tomorrow...

Thanks Bryan...


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2002
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

The one on the Inside is a Hex bolt, at least on mine. It comes off pretty easy, or at least mine does. I put the Hex Wrench on it, then take a larger closed end wrench and put this over the Hex, so that I can get the leverage. Just watch if it breaks loose not to hit the Prop with your hand, as that won't feel good.

Once you get that Snout off, you will see the last bolt. It is right around the location of the Hex bolt hole.

Trust me, this one got me the first Time I went to do it also. It also got me this past weekend, as it had been a while since I had done it before. Once you pop this bolt out, the LU will come right off.

Just another pointer, which I screwed up the other day so I have to take mine off again to put this piece back on. At the very top of the Drive shaft, there is a Metal Ring that fits and then on top of that is a Rubber seal. The seal is about an Inch or so long. Both these pieces fell off when I pulled my Lower unit, without paying to much attention, well when I put it back together, I forgot the put the rubber seal back on, now it clunks loud going into gear. I will be removing it to put this back on, just to make sure it won't damage anything. Just a heads up for ya though, as I missed it.



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Appreciate the help dude, I need all the help i can get im a great auto mechanic but im a little challanged in the boating aspect. i have a fuel leak on the bowl of the bottom carb know where i can get a gasket kit for it? or just use some gasket seal i wouldnt think this bowl has alot of pressure on it so it prolly should seal with a liquid gasket correct?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2002
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

I am not that great a mechanic myself, but I have been working on stuff for about 15 years, but it only puts me at 30 now.

As for this gasket, I don't think I would use a Liquid on it. I am sure some of the better guys on here could chirp up on this one. Sometimes you can find the Car Rebuild kits at West Marine, in NC at least. I am sure you could also order it from, which hosts this forum.

I would also rebuild the entire carbs, if I were you. If you have one leak, you may as well do it and get it over with. Its not that hard, and you being an Auto Mechanic it should be easy. I also had put Boyeson reeds in mine, these made a huge difference in bringing this engine to life. This was probably the best thing I ever did to it, other than adding the Turning Point Hustler Prop.

Where is the Gas leaking, around the top of the bowl gasket or the bottom, where the brass screw goes in? if it is at the bottom, there is a small red gasket on the inside and outside of the Screw. If this is missing on the inside, that might be all your problem is. Not sure, just a guess. I have been through every external part of this engine, never had a problem with the insides in the 9 years that I have owned it. It runs great and strong on my boat, pushes my Bayliner about 43-45 by GPS, 19.5' Length, so to me thats fine.



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Cool i have a 89 bayliner 19.5' where did you get your prop from and what size is it, i need a new one and im hesatant to buy one if its not going to be what i need. i paid 600$ for the boat and all it needs is a little skeg repair and a prop. also where did u get the reeds from and what has it done to the motor?

Edit: The fuel leak is coming from the top of the bowl. i checked the plug seal they are good.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 4, 2005
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

I would suggest you get a carb rebuild kit. Never use FormAGasket on fuel related parts. I am just finishing rebuilding mine. Took about 15 minutes rebuild. You may want to do the fuel pump as an extra bonus. The kit reunabout 6 to 8 bucks.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Ok, I removed the lower unit i did not see that rubber seal or metal ring is it possible that its still up in there?

I removed it slowly and listened carefully for that reason didn't see nor hear anything fall or make any noise. after getting the lower unit out i then removed the water pump housing and checked the impellar it looks pretty good, its not dry rotten yet but does have 1 fin with a small cut in it and the housing of the impellar has some small groves in it, so i will change the water pump.

As for the lower unit gear oil i did not get very much out of it, maybe a half cup or 3/4 cup is that bad? it was not a very good looking color for gear oil neither but i have no idea how long it was in there it was a sort of dark grey color but just a weird color the bottom screw of the lower unit will not come out it is the flat head screw on the very bottom back side of the unit is it not suposed to come out?

Also the prop does not spin a freely as most props ive seen spin if i were to put my hand on the prop while out of gear and try to spin it it will spin but its a little stiff and it does not spin on its own. could that be another problem in the lower unit?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2002
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Here are my answers to your questions:

1) I got the Prop from Phil's Prop Shop. It is listed on Turningpoints website. Call him up and he will give you a good price. I got the 13 1/4" X 17 pitch for my boat, it seems really good to me. The prop that I currently have is the Aluminum Hustler from Turning point Prporellers. You can find it here:

You can contact Phil's prop shop from: Give them a call for a price, but for that prop and system it should be about $100 or less.

I have just ordered this past monday the new Stainless Steel one, in the same size listed above, the Turning Point Express. It ran me $170 from him, it was an older model and not the new hub design as shown on their website, but I don't care. For the Price, I couldn't beat it.

This prop made a huge difference as to how it handled in the turns, without cavitating.

2) I got the Reeds from Boyesen:
They are $126.65 here is the LInk to the part that I purchased.

To install them you just have to remove the Carboretor and the Mount that is on top of the Block. Its not hard at all, if you already have the carbs off, it is very easy. They made a huge difference in the way my boat ran. Between these and the Hustler Prop, my boat would jerk me out of the water, 200lbs, on the wakeboard. Before I would have to lag back and get dragged by the boat until it got up to speed to get me up out of the water.

3) It is possible that the Rubber grommet and metal piece might be stuck at the very top of the shaft, not sure about that. On mine, they were hung up and then fell out of the engine on the driveway. Also, when you put it back together make sure you Grease the Splines good at the top of the shaft.

4) On the lower unit gear oil there is a drain plug at the very bottom of the Unit. On my engine, It is a hex head screw that is seated down in the unit. It is on the bottom of the point on the opposite side of the Prop. Undo this, then you can drain the rest of the fluid. Try some PB Blaster or some other type of Penetrating oil, to get that screw to come loose. This is the only way that you can drain all the oil out of the unit. I usually open this screw and then flush it with new fluid and try to get as much of the old crap out as possible.

5) Not sure about the Prop spinning freely, if I spin mine by hand it will do a few (2-3 maybe) revolutions, but not many. It seems kinda tight to me, but it is fine when I am driving. Not sure if there is anything to do in there to fix this or not. I just change the lower unit fluid yearly, or twice a year depending and I've had no problems for the 9 years I've owned and run the boat.

Also someone on here had told me to run a certain spark plug for that motor. The one that I have been running since I was told this is the NGK BUHW, this is the only plug I run and it works great compared to others I had tried in the past for this motor. I get these are Carquest or Napa, I think they both have it. I always get them from Carquest as it is close to me.

Hope you get this engine back in the water. If they are taken care of they will do you right.



Chief Petty Officer
Apr 9, 2002
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

Did you get your Motor up and running?

Also, that shop that I told you about, they can get just about any Force Part, Pretty quick. I picked up 2 fuel pumps from them in stock for $32, cheaper then paying shipping and I drove out and picked it up and then put it on that night.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 21, 2006
Re: Removing lower unit... hiddin bolt?

the motor runs howver i think i have a slight miss being cuase by a faulty wire or plug i will change those before i take it in the water. the forst plug has rust on it wtich tells me its not fireing and it doesnt look good on the inside and the wire has a cut in the rubber boot so i dont think there is anything else wrong with it. ill advise you when i get it runnin im looking for a water pump before i go any farther... i see kits but im looking for the whole pump with housing...