This is a new engine for me. Installed a new tach today and didn't seem to be getting a good signal. Traced the grey signal wire back to the top rectifer/regulator (2x20amp system). Switched to the loose grey wire on the bottom r/r and tach worked. So I'm guessing there is a problem with the top r/r or the part of the stator feeding it. I realize the proper method it to measure ohms and amp output, etc. However, I had another idea. Can I switch the yellow wires feeding both r/r's then test the tach signal from each unit? If I get a signal from the top r/r (which I'm not getting now), then I know the problem is the stator. If the top one still gives no signal and the bottom one continues too, then I know the top r/r is bad. Is there anything wrong with trying this? Will it be an expensive experiment?