I see a lot of boat ads on craigslist that have no registration numbers as of late. I used to use registration numbers, license plates, and even palm trees to help tell if an ad was legit or not. We have no palm trees up north and if the reg is for some far flung state, it is most likely a scam. Lately I see a lot of ads where the registration number is removed. I am wondering if the majority of these are scams or are people taking the time to do a really good job of photo shopping the registration out for some privacy concern? To me I don't think most people are skillful enough with photoshop to blend it in this well. I think most that are worried about privacy would just quickly put a more noticable square over the number.
It seems like there are a lot of these and this is why I ask. It isn't like you can easily remove the reg like you can a license plate. Also the reg stays the same after the boat transfers. Other than missing reg, most of these don't raise any eyebrows. This makes it really annoying when trying to find a boat.
It seems like there are a lot of these and this is why I ask. It isn't like you can easily remove the reg like you can a license plate. Also the reg stays the same after the boat transfers. Other than missing reg, most of these don't raise any eyebrows. This makes it really annoying when trying to find a boat.