I have a question regarding to reed value and the stop behind it. When re-assemble them, do I need to cover all those holes on the leaf plate when screw reed value back? Is there any specific position that I have to put the leaf stop behind the reed value? How tight do I need to screw the reed value and leaf stop to the plate so fuel/air can make into the intake manifold but not letting anything out it?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I have a question regarding to reed value and the stop behind it. When re-assemble them, do I need to cover all those holes on the leaf plate when screw reed value back? Is there any specific position that I have to put the leaf stop behind the reed value? How tight do I need to screw the reed value and leaf stop to the plate so fuel/air can make into the intake manifold but not letting anything out it?
Thanks a lot in advance!