Red Valve, Seafoam, Cleaned Carbs No Power


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2002
Hi, I went to use the boat and it ran fine for about 5 minutes and then no power.Has been running fine all year. Idles fine revs out of gear. 1984 70 hp Evinrude non VRO rebuild power head 100 hrs ago.<br />I have re-read several post about the red valve on the electric choke. I went to check that out today and found it facing aft, I figured this was the problem I move it horizontal and it points away from carbs This had no affect on running in gear. When pointed fwd the motor stalls. I started a sea foam cleaning and was smoking out a pinic so I stoped gave it 5 minutes and restarted and the smoke was twice as bad. But the motor ran full power for about 2 minutes and was back the same. Very littlepower with throttle movement. Does this meen I should give it a really good seafoam treatment? I have been really slow trolling.I have tryed different tanks, fuel lines, checked spark to all 3 cyls.<br />Tomorrow out to the bay to seafoam it that way I won't smoke out the parties.<br />steve

The Marine Doctor

Jul 25, 2003
Re: Red Valve, Seafoam, Cleaned Carbs No Power

Sounds like you may be dropping an ign coil...once the coil heats up it stops working. <br /><br />Next time the engine drops power...check the plugs for a wet one.<br /><br />TMD


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 26, 2002
Re: Red Valve, Seafoam, Cleaned Carbs No Power

The Marine Doctor thanks i will take one with me tomorrow just in case thats it. Will the coil be cold to the touch if its bad?<br />steve