I cant find any shorts and I am going to adapt another rectifier - the genuine article costs $148 over here just a tad expensive for a bridge rectifier. Does anyone know what current rating I will need?
Smudge<br /><br />Why not try E Bay. A UK rectifier is £60 +. On E Bay I got one second hand for £11.50 plus postage. I haven't seen the bill for that yet but it can't make it up to £60.<br /><br />Check the stator with a Multimeter. If you do a search on this forum, you'll find out how to do the exact tests.<br /><br />Best of luck, I had the same problem and now everything is okay thanks to this forum.
Smudge, I used a $3.99 bridge rectifier from "Radio Shack" on my Merc 150HP inline. It was rated for 25Amps. It think it was a much better component than the original.